Interpreting The I Ching - Hexagram 38 K'uei

Name: K'uei.
Keyphrase: Opposition.
Formed By The Trigrams: Fire over Lake.
General: Reconciliation must be a key priority if there is disunity.
Love: Be as tactful as necessary to overcome a potentially divisive issue.
Business: You may find that lack of communication, or refusal to communicate, is causing a period of stagnation. You will need to remedy this before further progress is possible.
Personal: It will be necessary to learn to respect your enemy to resolve any crisis you are currently in.
Overview: K'uei is about communication. Or the lack of it. Being stubborn or indifferent to a situation and not talking it out will lead to progress being brought to a standstill. K'uei tells you that the only way forward is through effective communication and reconciliation. Extreme tact may be required and if so, this is the course you must take. You must learn to ignore emotion at this time no matter how badly others may be behaving. Do not allow yourself to be provoked and then respond with anger. It will be a mistake and you will lose credibility. Your behavior needs to be exemplary.