Numerology Baby Name Profile
Item: Baby Name Profile
Price: $2.99 Per Name
SKU: NUM-003
Description: What's in a name? Quite a lot! Have you ever noticed how a name quite often perfectly reflects the personality of the individual named? Although a numerology personal profile gives great insight into an individual, it does not tell how others perceive that individual. The baby name profile analyzes the kind of influence a name has on others. By doing so, it will help you choose the right name for a child. You'd be surprised how often a name you may like can seem very negative to somebody else. Don't give your child a name that will hinder them. Give them one that will help them succeed. This profile is sent to you by e-mail as a PDF attachment.
Q: How do I pay for my numerology profile?
A: Click on the "Add to Cart" button and you will be taken to our shopping cart page. If you wish to make further purchases please click on the "Back to Shopping" button. When you are ready to checkout, just click on the "Shopping Cart" link which can be found on every page. At checkout a secure online payment can be made using your credit card or PayPal. If you wish to pay by check or money order (USA only) please choose the "Pay by Mail" option. All information you need for sending a payment will be given at that time.
Q: What happens after I have bought my numerology profile?
A: You will be contacted by e-mail to ascertain whether the profile is for you or for someone else and for the details needed. You will also be given an e-mail address. Please add the e-mail address to your safelist as spam filters can cause a lot of problems. Turnaround time is usually within 24 hours of receipt of the information requested and very often much faster. Your profile will be sent to you by e-mail as a PDF attachment.