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Page of Pentacles Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

Page of Pentacles Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The Page of Pentacles can be a card about boredom, in some ways. You may be tempted to say or do things to shake things and people up just for a little excitement. Rethink this impulse, and find a better use of your energy. Excitement can be created.


In general, the Page of Pentacles is excellent energy to support you when you have somewhat tedious work to get accomplished. The Page can give you focus, backbone, and the wherewithal to stick with a task that is not necessarily glamorous or fun. Don’t try to sidestep effort, or you will fall on your face.


If you’re in a committed relationship when this card appears, it may have lost some of its luster. That doesn’t have to mean a death knell, but it does mean that action and discussion is necessary. To create change, you must be honest about how you are feeling.

If you are unattached, and can’t seem to meet someone new, look carefully at what you’re holding in your heart. You may still be attached to an ex, and may need to let go before you can expect to move forward.

Money and Finances

With regard to finances, the Page of Pentacles points to rewards for good, old-fashioned hard work. This is not a time to gamble or to be unrealistic. This is a time to put an honest appraisal on the value of your skills and efforts. If you aren’t being fairly compensated, now might be the time to make a change. Invest, don’t spend. Choose traditional, safe investments for now.

Work and Career

The Page of Pentacles can indicate more work to be done than there is time to do it. Don’t despair, just roll up your sleeves and get busy. The news in general is good, but you may be feeling overwhelmed and unexcited. Remember slow and steady wins the race. If you need help to get things done, don’t hesitate to go out and find the assistance. It’s there for you

If you’re looking for a job, you may be struggling to find a decent opportunity. The opportunities are out there so don’t give up as it’s a case of playing the numbers right now. Keep looking, keep applying, and you will ultimately be successful.


Any health problems manifesting now may be a result of neglected emotional issues. Do you need attention? You don’t have to get sick to get some. Ask for what you need. However, be sure that any symptoms are properly evaluated by a health care professional. If they say there’s nothing wrong with you, look to your mental and emotional situations. You hold the key to your health and vitality, in the vast majority of the time.

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


If you are feeling some spiritual malaise, now would be a good time to examine what excites you. What do you enjoy? What interests you? What would you like to explore? Make a point to get off the beaten path and try new things. Create your own energy and enthusiasm. Find the most upbeat and spiritually aware person that you know, and talk to them about what makes them tick. You will learn helpful things.

Page of Pentacles Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

The Page of Pentacles is a very solid “Maybe.”

Page of Pentacles Tarot Meaning in Conclusion

The Page of Pentacles often conveys a sense of restlessness, a feeling that might echo the whispers of boredom that can sometimes creep into your life.

This card invites reflection on the notion that while it’s easy to feel tempted to stir things up and although that might help in the short term such impulses rarely lead to lasting fulfillment. Rather than giving in to the urge for immediate thrills, you should channel your energy into more constructive avenues.

It’s a card that is a reminder that personal growth and satisfaction often includes tackling mundane tasks and responsibilities. The Page of Pentacles asks you to buckle down and see things through to the end, no matter how boring and unglamorous the tasks may seem.

See Also: Page of Pentacles Reversed

Tarot Meanings for “Page of Pentacles” by Charis

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