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3 of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation
The reversed 3 of Pentacles is generally a positive card, again, particularly with regard to work and career questions. It does, however, carry the warning that this is not the time to allow yourself to slack off. Doing so is likely to have unwanted repercussions.
Work is very much a focus when the 3 of Pentacles reversed is in the picture. It’s an important time to give your best and not settle for the simplest and easiest solution. If you do your best, you are likely to find yourself being successful. Settling, on the other hand, will not end so favorably.
In a love question for those of you in a relationship, the reversed 3 of Pentacles is an encouraging card to get. If you are looking to add to your family, this is a time when the chances of doing so can be higher than usual.
If you’re looking for love, this is a good time to meet people particularly through your work. However, beware of the possibility of acting somewhat differently to the person that you actually are. Avoid behaving overly subservient because you think that is what your potential partner wants. Doing so is no foundation for a solid relationship in the future. Hold your head up high and be the person you really are.
Money and Finances
Money should be going well or be about to go well for you when the 3 of Pentacles reversed is part of your spread. However, you should not expect “pennies from heaven.” How well you do financially will be in direct proportion to how hard you have worked and how much you have tried. Don’t grovel but do ask for what you deserve if your current pay is not commensurate with the work you are doing.
Work and Career
For those of you in a job, provided you don’t suddenly start producing lousy or inferior work, you should find that your efforts are more successful and well received when the reversed 3 of Pentacles is in the spread.
Colleagues, on the other hand, may be a little problematic for a while. Do not allow yourself to give in to any feelings of jealousy or pettiness so make sure you take the higher road and not the easier low option.
For those of you looking for employment it is not a time to become discouraged and to slow down your efforts to find a job. Keep the faith! Remember that that job is out there waiting for you, but it is going to take a bit of finding.
When it comes to your health, you should be cautious about over-doing things. Moderation is the key when the reversed 3 of Pentacles appears. Trust your instincts and if you are feeling weak, rest if that is what your intuition is telling you. You may be overly tired when this card appears in reverse hence the need for moderation.
If you think you need to be seen by a doctor, then don’t hesitate. Doing so doesn’t mean that there is something seriously wrong with you but just that the doctor can help.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
The 3 of Pentacles reversed can indicate that you are indeed ready to make a spiritual leap. However, you should be cautious about where and from whom you accept input. You already have a number of the answers that you need deep within you, and you may be in a phase where it is easy to be blinded by a so-called guru who claims to have your best interests at heart.
They may truly be more interested in your money than you. Accordingly, be very cautious with new spiritual leaders and churches, and also where you put your money in that regard. Spiritual growth is free.
3 of Pentacles Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
The 3 of Pentacles reversed is a “Yes,” but leans slightly towards “Maybe.”
3 of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The 3 of Pentacles reversed serves as a reminder of the nuances involved with regard to work and collaboration. When this card is present, it often emphasizes that your professional life is under scrutiny, highlighting the need for due diligence in doing your best.
In other words, it’s a mistake to be merely going through the motions. Instead, make sure that you really are giving it the best you have to give.
See Also: 3 of Pentacles
Tarot Meanings for “3 of Pentacles Reversed” by Charis
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