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5 of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

5 of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The 5 of Pentacles reversed can point to a time when you are about to move from feeling not very secure to feeling safer. Whether it’s because you’ve realized the time has come to reach out to others, or because you are beginning to see some concrete new prospects, it is a very good thing.


In general, the reversed 5 of Pentacles says that in the recent past you may have been feeling isolated and perhaps even envious of those around you. You may have felt that everyone else has a perfect life but you. Of course, that wasn’t really the case and by now you should be starting to understand that and your confidence should be beginning to return. If you begin to feel more upbeat don’t second guess it but allow yourself to experience it fully.


For reasons unknown, you may feel something that has been holding you back has disappeared. Suddenly, you feel more open to love, more able to take the chance of being vulnerable, and when this happens, almost magically, you may find yourself receiving more love. So be open and get ready!

If you’re already committed, the relationship may suddenly draw closer and become more pleasing. The only problem this card can point to is if your relationship has been built on the premise of “It’s us against the cold, cruel world.” If that’s the case, then for your relationship to thrive that attitude must change.

Money and Finances

Especially if you’ve been worried about money, it seems as though that worry is about to lift. Something comes through that allows you to breathe easier. You will finally know, through and through, that you are going to be all right financially. Just do your part, and don’t hesitate to ask for help or advice if you need it.

Work and Career

For those of you in a job, you may be moving beyond a place of feeling stuck when this card appears, and new opportunities may be on the horizon. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of these opportunities and have confidence that you are doing the right thing.

If you’re out of work and looking for a job, it’s a case of keeping the faith and having confidence in your ability to be successful.

Whether you are in a job or still looking, yes, the period just behind you may have been a bit bleak, but that doesn’t mean that the future will be bleak, too. Think positively and go after what you want and need.


For no apparent reason you may find yourself feeling much better physically. Worrying about your health helps nothing and in fact tends to make you feel worse. Think positively, and trust that this better health can last, because it can. Support your health by eating well and exercising when you can.

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


As you see your life improving, you will begin to find yourself feeling more trusting of the universe and the spiritual powers that be. Give thanks for all the good things and good people in your life. Also, consider how you might share the spiritual gifts you’ve been given, even if it’s only as simple as sharing a meaningful story from your childhood.

5 of Pentacles Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

The 5 of Pentacles reversed is a weak “No” leaning toward “Maybe.”

5 of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion

The 5 of Pentacles reversed is a card that carries a message of hope and perhaps even transformation. Current or recent states of insecurity and uncertainty may well transition to a sense of safety and security.

This card can often signify a period in your life where the shadows of doubt and struggle are starting to lift, revealing a way forward to both improvement and recovery.

See Also: 5 of Pentacles

Tarot Meanings for “5 of Pentacles Reversed” by Charis

<< 4 of Pentacles Reversed | 6 of Pentacles Reversed >>

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