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8 of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

8 of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

Whether you’re in the mood to put your nose to the grindstone or not, the reversed 8 of Pentacles tells you that in order to be successful and happy in the near future, you are going to have to play your part. Everyone fantasizes about get rich schemes, but the truth is, as they say, “There is no free lunch.” Do your part and you will be glad that you did.


Just like its upright counterpart, 8 of Pentacles the reversed card points to a lot of good, old fashioned hard work in one or more areas of life being required of you. The amount of work involved is only somewhat lessened by the fact that it’s reversed.

On the whole this card points to tasks that either should not be set aside or ones you will not be able to set aside. Note that you will benefit from this work as well as it’s not just for someone else’s convenience. This energy is telling you to sit down and make a list of things to do, prioritizing them, and then getting to work. When it’s over you’ll be very glad you did.


The reversed 8 of Pentacles can show in a current relationship that one or both of you may not be prepared to do the work that is necessary to maintain a happy and fulfilling relationship so rethink this approach.

Relationships are not a parking lot, and you do not just form a relationship or marriage and live happily ever after. On the other hand, you are the only part of the equation that you can control so do your part and then see what happens.

If you’re looking for love, you are going to have to work to find it. Don’t just sit at home and imagine it falling out of the sky. Affirmations can help you, of course, but they are not going to make a partner drop out of the sky. The best way to build your own happy, fulfilling life, is to get out and meet people. If you really want love in your life, you mustn’t fool yourself that it will just magically happen.

Money and Finances

The reversed 8 of Pentacles can be warning you that you may be slightly delusional about money right now. There’s no harm in dreaming, but don’t count on the lottery to fix your financial problems. Be willing to work and be patient. They say, “Good things come to those who wait,” but it should really be “Good things come to those who work – and wait.” Nearly every overnight success story you read about was actually years in the making.

Work and Career

If you draw the reversed 8 of Pentacles and are seeking employment, be prepared to impress prospective employers with what a hard worker you are/can be and be prepared to back up your statements.

If you are already employed, it’s possible that you may be asked to do more than is humanly possible. Giving it your best and then some is likely to be necessary before you will be given help. In other words, you are likely to have to show that you are giving 10% and that it’s just not possible for one person to do all that needs to be done. Trying to avoid tasks right now, however, can get you fired.


The 8 of Pentacles reversed urges that you do some work and take some action in order to improve your health status. There is always something that can be done. If you don’t know what to do to improve your general health, or if you are having worrying symptoms that you don’t know how to fix, don’t hesitate to seek help from a medical professional. Ignoring things does not lead to healing.

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


The reversed 8 of Pentacles, again, urges some action even in the context of a spiritual question. This is not the time for quiet contemplation if you are seeking spiritual growth. This is a time for taking steps, meeting new people, trying new approaches, going places, and opening yourself up. All of which takes work and probably more than you are expecting. You can do it, and the benefits can be enormous.

8 of Pentacles Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

The 8 of Pentacles reversed is a “Yes” leaning towards “Maybe.”

8 of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion

Whether you feel like it or not, the reversed 8 of Pentacles appears in a reading to remind you that success and happiness, especially in the near future, hinge on your willingness to actively engage in your personal and professional responsibilities.

In other words, you really do have to play your part in everything surrounding you. This card, often associated with hard work and dedication flips its message when reversed, suggesting a potential for complacency or a lack of commitment. The eight reversed is warning you not to make that mistake.

See Also: 8 of Pentacles

Tarot Meanings for “8 of Pentacles Reversed” by Charis

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