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The Empress Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The Empress Reversed Tarot Meaning

The Empress reversed still indicates feminine power and feminine energies; these are subtle, mysterious, fertile, and sexual. When she appears in reverse in your reading, it can indicate that you are placing too much emphasis on your masculine energies and have a need to give attention to your feminine side. We all have both masculine and feminine energies inside.


You may have the mistaken idea at your deepest levels that you are not very attractive. If you are feeling this way, give the matter some thought and recheck. You have things to offer on every level so give yourself some credit. The Empress reversed suggests that you need to get more in touch with the love and happiness that flows within you. Meditate.


When The Empress reversed appears in a love-related reading, you could suddenly find yourself being pursued by several prospective lovers. If you are in a committed relationship, this card reminds you even to pay particular attention to your intuition about the relationship.

Once again, The Empress emphasizes the importance of trusting your instincts and intuition, encouraging you to follow your heart. Failing to do so may lead to eventual regret.

Money and Finances

There are times in life where you really don’t have to understand the mechanics of how some things work, you merely have to have the proper spiritual understanding about them. This is one of those times.

When The Empress appears in reverse in the context of a reading about finances, pay attention to your prosperity consciousness. Trust the universe to meet your needs. Know that this is an abundant universe.

Now, it’s time for you to take action; that’s all that’s required of you. Analyzing the data will only provide a partial view of the situation at this point.

Work and Career

When this card appears reversed in response to a work-related inquiry, it indicates that your efforts are valued and acknowledged, even if you might not fully recognize this.

It’s important to understand that your colleagues have confidence in you and your abilities. Remember to reciprocate that trust and appreciation where it is due.


When it comes to your health, The Empress reversed often indicates that your subconscious has messages for you which you aren’t hearing yet. Get quiet and listen.

Sometimes health-oriented information can come to you in what seems to be really bizarre ways, for example, a neighbor may for some reason start speaking to you about someone who was allergic to ketchup, yet really liked it. Look for clues both inside and outside yourself for ways in which you can do a better job of supporting your health.

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


When The Empress card surfaces in discussions about spirituality, it signifies that women hold valuable insights for you at this time. Pay close attention to the perspectives and thoughts of the women in your life regarding spiritual matters. If you’re in search of inspiration, consider exploring the works of female authors. Embracing feminine energy will prove beneficial, regardless of your own gender.

Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

A somewhat positive “Maybe” which is leaning towards “Yes.”

The Empress Reversed Meaning in Conclusion

The Empress card, when drawn in reverse, offers a deep insight into the intricate balance of energies within us all, particularly highlighting the theme of feminine power and feminine energies. Even in its reversed state, The Empress embodies qualities that are inherently subtle yet profoundly impactful, emphasizing the mysterious aspects of femininity that often go unrecognized.

Embracing the lessons of the reversed Empress can open the door to greater self-awareness and emotional well-being. Ultimately, the reversed Empress is a reminder that within the complexity of our inner selves are the tools for achieving true balance and empowerment.

See Also: The Empress

Tarot Meanings for “the “The Empress Reversed” by Charis

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