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The Emperor Reversed Meaning and Interpretation

The Emperor Reversed Tarot Meaning

The Emperor reversed can tell us that we are giving our heart more credence than what our mind and logic is telling us. In general, that is not a bad thing; but ideally, we would be balancing both.

Use your mind AND your heart, is what this reversed card tells us. You may be easily distracted now and could find it hard to maintain your concentration and focus. Yet drawing the reversed emperor indicates that concentration and focus is vital now.


When you draw The Emperor reversed, an older man, likely to be dark-haired, may be rubbing you the wrong way now. Try to look beyond his exterior and consider what it is that he may have to offer you that can be of use. Don’t get too irritated if he is trying to tell you what you should do; instead take the parts of his advice which are useful and ignore the rest.


Organization or lack thereof can become an issue when The Emperor reversed shows in a reading. If you consider yourself to be an orderly, methodical person, you may have fallen for someone who is not or that could be about to happen if you are not currently in a relationship.

Consider the ramifications of being with someone who is far less orderly and methodical than you. You need to understand where or how compromises can be made and so will they. If you don’t the relationship has next to no chance of working.

Money and Finances

If you struggle with finances and you have drawn The Emperor reversed, you may well need to seek outside assistance. Look for someone who is good at logic, order, and being methodical in terms of setting up budgets, dealing with taxes and cash flow, and so on.

This is one of those times that you simply cannot afford to take a haphazard approach. When this card appears in this context it is vital that you change your way of doing things so get some help!

Work and Career

The Emperor reversed can indicate that you are not much in the mood for structured, formal work right now. However, you may not have a choice despite how you feel. Do the best you can to exhibit the structure and order that your job requires of you, but make sure to give yourself at least little mini-breaks to help yourself cope, if necessary.

Looking for a job may seem a chore that you really don’t feel like doing, but you must. Organize your thoughts and approach and make sure that if you find a job and get an interview to have all your ducks and drakes in a row.


Just like money and finances, this card in reverse points to a need to get outside advice and to be logical, methodical, and orderly about how you are managing your body and your health.

Increased self-discipline may be helpful. If you are struggling with a health issue, insights may come if you take the time to write down your symptoms, track them, and then see if anything in your life corresponds with how you are feeling.

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


When The Emperor appears in reverse, it can be a signal that a helpful spiritual advisor who is likely to be male and older than you is nearby. One must be cautious when accepting spiritual advice from a guru that goes almost without saying.

No human being is perfect, and it’s important that you listen to your own thoughts and intuition no matter what others say about a guru or teacher who is in or who will be coming into your life. Learn from this teacher, but do not discard yourself in the process.

Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

The Emperor reversed is more of a “Maybe” but has the potential to be leaning towards a “Yes.”

The Emperor Reversed Meaning in Conclusion

The concept of The Emperor reversed invites us to explore the interplay between our emotions and rational thought, particularly in how we navigate life’s choices and challenges.

When The Emperor appears in this inverted position, it serves as a powerful symbolic reminder that we may be placing undue weight on our feelings, allowing them to overshadow the logical reasoning that should ideally guide our decision-making process.

See Also: The Emperor

Tarot Meanings for “The Emperor Reversed” by Charis

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