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The Hermit Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The Hermit Reversed Tarot Meaning

The Hermit reversed – just like the upright – is still an extremely spiritual card and still has much to do with institutions and organizations. Spirituality is still very strongly indicated no matter what your personal belief system is.

The Hermit reversed can mean that you are too focused on finding the truth about some matter, perhaps even to the point of obsession. You might do better to just let it go and move forward with your life.


There is nothing wrong with having a need for some time alone so don’t be afraid to take it. Problems can arise, however, when you spend too much time alone or you are too fearful of being around other people or being vulnerable to them.

Relationships especially romantic ones and deep friendships are about vulnerability whether we like it or not and to be fair most do not. To be meaningful it’s almost a prerequisite.


When the Hermit shows in reverse, it still indicates that it’s possible that a lover from your past will reappear. Exes are usually exes for a reason so ask yourself whether rekindling that relationship is wise.

If you are thinking that you want nothing more than a romantic relationship; look at your behavior. Does it align with that analysis? Are you making a point to meet people, to reach out, to make yourself available for a relationship?

When The Hermit reversed is drawn and you are already in a committed relationship, it’s important that you make a point to spend time, energy and attention on each other, no matter how busy you are.

Money and Finances

When the Hermit reversed appears, it’s a particularly good time to seek good advice and a good analysis on your financial endeavors. This is not a safe time to fly blind and just assume that everything will work out in the end. If you don’t understand where your money comes from and where it is going or how to invest, and so on this is an excellent and important time to educate yourself.

Work and Career

You are likely to finally get to the bottom of some work issues which have been troubling you and/or which have been unclear. Don’t hesitate to ask questions not only of yourself but also of other people to understand more about the way things are going at work and the way they should be going.

Remain conscious of the fact that if there are current issues at work that are troublesome, that you may in some way be contributing to them.

The Hermit reversed is still about figuring out what you are best at but additionally you need to determine the bst ways of communicating that to potential employers.


When The Hermit appears in reversal, your current health practices may no longer be working for you and/or you may need to develop some healthier habits. This is an excellent time to consider even very small steps which you could be taking to improve your health. Rome wasn’t built in a day and most important health changes – lasting changes – don’t usually happen overnight either. Take one step at a time.

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


When The Hermit reversed appears, you may have been relying too much on yourself for your spiritual benefit. Yes, personal and private contemplation is important, however, fellowship with like-minded people is also important. Reach out. You will be glad that you did.

The Hermit Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

Like the upright Hermit it is a “Maybe” but even if it appears counterintuitive it leans towards a “Yes.”

The Hermit Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion

The Hermit card, even when reversed, continues to embody a spiritual resonance that transcends mere imagery. While many tarot cards offer varied interpretations based on their orientation, the Hermit remains a beacon of enlightenment, contemplation, and introspection, albeit with a different emphasis when reversed.

The Hermit reversed may highlight aspects of withdrawal that are not conducive to personal growth; it speaks to the problems of isolating oneself too fully or misusing the journey for self-sacrifice or avoidance. While spirituality is still a key theme, it may indicate a need for balance between internal reflection and external interaction.

See Also: The Hermit

Tarot Meanings for “The Hermit Reversed” by Charis

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