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Temperance Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation
Temperance reversed just like the upright version signifies the need for balance in all types of relationships, including friendships, family, romantic, and work partnerships. This card urges you to pay extra attention to these connections and encourages experimentation in different areas of your life. You might need to explore various approaches before discovering what works for you.
Even when reversed, your relationships are likely to be going fairly well. You may have been receiving and possibly ignoring some constructive criticism which actually could be quite helpful to you.
Look at your deeper personal issues and see if or how these are standing in your way – and if they are, how to work through them and integrate them into a better sense of being. The idea now is to do what it takes to find balance – in yourself, in your relationships, and with your goals and aspirations. If you need help to do this, ask for it!
When Temperance reversed appears, it is important to look at how you and your relationships are or are not in balance. It’s a good time to consider what others are bringing to your life, and vice versa.
You may feel that you are giving 300% to a relationship while your partner is not even giving 100%; but be aware that your partner may see things the other way around!
If you are looking for love, and Temperance reversed appears, you may well be trying too hard and thus alienating people. Be secure in yourself as an individual first. How often do you hear someone say, “He (or she) completes me?” You need to be complete in your own right; a lover will not and cannot complete you.
Money and Finances
When you draw Temperance reversed, there is still most likely to be a good balance between what is going out and what is coming in money-wise. However, you must not simply sit back and expect the world to suddenly pay you what you are worth and what you deserve.
Have the courage to ask for what you need and your money flow will increase.
Work and Career
Especially when this card appears reversed this is not a time to be a lone wolf. You need to be seen as a team player and you need to work well with others, even if your work is almost without exception performed as an individual. No matter what things look like on the surface now, try to remember that your work will be noticed.
Being a team player is important whether you are in a job or looking for one. Potential employers will want to know that you are just that. Emphasize your ability to be what they are looking for.
Even when reversed, this card serves as a reminder that balance and moderation are essential for a healthy and fulfilling life. Take a moment to reflect on your well-being: Are you nourishing your body with a proper diet? Are you getting adequate sleep? Are you balancing work with play? And are you engaging in enough physical activity?
If you are facing health challenges at the time this card appears, it is highly likely that one or more of these aspects is out of alignment. Now is the time to identify any imbalances and take appropriate action towards improvement.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
With Temperance reversed, the indication is that you may benefit immensely by seeking partners as you’re on your path toward spiritual growth. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to regularly attend a church of your choosing, but this is one way to meet this need.
Whether it is in person, through reading spiritually oriented books, or in other ways, it’s important that you constantly are renewing your spiritual well. Don’t try to fill it all on your own.
Temperance Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
Temperance reversed is a “Yes” that leans towards “Maybe.”
Temperance Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The Tarot card of Temperance, even in its reversed position, conveys a strong message about the necessity of maintaining balance across all forms of relationships. This essential principle applies to friendships, familial bonds, romantic connections, and professional partnerships alike.
When you encounter Temperance reversed, it serves as a reminder to carefully examine how you interact with others and reflects a disruption or imbalance that may have crept into your dealings with the people who matter most.
Balance in relationships is not merely an abstract concept; it represents a vital need that fosters harmony and understanding among individuals. Temperance reversed indicates that you might be experiencing friction or misunderstandings in these areas.
Perhaps you are giving too much of yourself to one relationship while neglecting others, or maybe there are unresolved conflicts that require your attention. Temperance reversed encourages you to openly acknowledge these imbalances and take proactive steps to rectify them.
See Also: Temperance
Tarot Meanings for “Temperance Reversed” by Charis
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