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The Devil Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation
The Devil reversed is not as frightening a card to interpret as the depiction on most cards might seem to indicate. When reversed, the card reminds us that any situation that may seem to be trapping us is an illusion; we always have options and help is almost always available.
When The Devil is reversed, it’s a hint to look deeper into a situation, and not necessarily to go with the surface appearance. Things may not be nearly as bad as they seem. Especially when reversed we are reminded to stay clear on the fact that life can turn on a dime, and sometimes those turns are very positive.
You may be feeling as though you are out of control right now, even when this card appears in reverse. The first step is always to take some deep breaths and calm down. And then, it will be helpful to take action, take whatever steps you can to give yourself the feeling, however slight, of being in control. Even if that is merely making a choice on what you are going to have for dinner.
Small steps are important, too. Do not look on this reversal as an inherently negative card.
The Devil reversed can be a friendly indication that trouble could be vaguely brewing if you are in a long-term romantic relationship. One or both of you may beginning to feel as though they are trapped in the situation. The time will be coming soon where you may need to try to talk about it if you want to save the relationship.
The reversed meaning of this card is less troubling with regard to a long-term romantic relationship than the upright indicator, however.
If you’re seeking love and you draw this card, give some consideration as to whether or how much you may be feeling trapped in single-hood and do your best to make peace with your situation and who you are and where you are, right now, today.
An aura of grasping for love will make nearly any sane potential partner run for the hills. Clinging and desperate people are universally unattractive to healthy partners. Make sure you are not in that mode.
Perhaps consider taking a break from dating.
Money and Finances
As with the upright meaning, The Devil reversed indicates that things may already be or about to be very tight financially. It will be important to try not to resent the situation, but to deal calmly and rationally with it.
Take things one step at a time. Whatever your situation, it is a safe bet that it will not be permanent. If you need financial help, don’t be afraid or too proud to ask for it. Help is always available.
When you draw this card and money seems to be flowing well right now, don’t be fooled! It is still a time that calls for financial caution. Save for a rainy day!
Work and Career
It is important to realize that when The Devil reversed is drawn that any job that claims to be permanent and secure in this day and age is unfortunately unlikely to be so forever. This applies whether you are in a job or looking for a job.
This does not have to be a bad thing. Remember, information and knowledge is power; and knowing that you have options is a far more powerful mental place to be than feeling like you must stay in a situation forever because you think it is secure and protective.
Far too many people in recent years have seen the benefits and promised pensions taken away at the stroke of a judge’s pen. Yes, you must do your own part, but security comes from within, not from out there in the world.
If you are in an unhappy job situation which you are enduring because of its security, stay aware that this is a choice that you are making, nothing has been foisted upon you. If you don’t feel the trade-off is worth your unhappiness, start putting out feelers and giving thought to what you can do to change the situation. You are not trapped unless you allow yourself to be trapped. There are always, always options of one sort or another.
If you are looking for a job but have not had any luck then try applying for jobs that you aren’t sure or even don’t think you are qualified for. You may be pleasantly surprised if you do.
The potential stress levels indicated by the upright Devil are not quite as serious when the card is drawn in reverse. Even so, this is a time that you need to watch out for being overworked, overtired, and over-stressed. Exercise will help, as will anything that draws you out of yourself rather than staying focused on your problems.
As with all the other indications of this card, you are only as hamstrung by health issues – at least in the mental and emotional sense – as you allow yourself to be. Push for improvement, yet don’t torture yourself because of the physical limitations that you have. It is what it is.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
Just like the upright card, The Devil reversed shows that your spirituality is under attack! Your attitude and positive mindset are still very important.
If you are having difficulty keeping a good attitude, consider who you surround yourself with and who your friends are. Do you have positive people in your midst, or are you surrounded by overly critical, fault-finding people who complain and nitpick you to the point where you’re even less able to function well? Take stock, then take action. Life is short, and attitudes are catching.
The Devil Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
The Devil reversed is a negative “Maybe” leaning towards “No.”
The Devil Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The Devil card in tarot, when viewed in its reversed position, is very different from the initial, fearful impressions that its upright portrayal may evoke.
At first glance, the artwork often associated with The Devil card can appear daunting, characterized by imagery that suggests entrapment, darkness, and the weight of temptation. However, when this card reverses, it offers a radically altered perspective that fosters hope and empowerment. You have choices.
See Also: The Devil
Tarot Meanings for “The Devil Reversed” by Charis
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