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The Sun Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The Sun Reversed Tarot Meaning

When The Sun reversed shows for you, it’s still a sign that soon you are likely to find yourself experiencing more freedom than you have in quite a while. However, in reverse, there is much less clarity to this freedom, and you may have to work harder to bring it about.

Still, this is an excellent and important time to experience different things, especially things that are out of your usual routines. The Sun is about vitality, freedom, joy, and self-expression.


When The Sun is reversed, it’s particularly important for you to make an effort to literally count, and stay focused on, your blessings. No matter who you are, or what is wrong in your life, you undoubtedly have things to be thankful and grateful for. Stay mindful of these things, and you will bring more blessings into your life. This is a good time to get out and about and enjoy new experiences and to meet new people.


When the reversed Sun appears in a love reading, it can indicate that one or the other of you or perhaps even both may be taking the relationship and/or the other party too much for granted. This must be changed as soon as possible if the relationship is to last. At the same time both of you may need some alone time.

If you draw The Sun reversed when you are looking for love and romance, the indication here is that possibilities look promising for you. However, you will need to keep a positive attitude and to have or develop better self-esteem. Just because you want love in your life doesn’t mean you should settle for second best – you deserve better than that. Hold out for the real thing.

Money and Finances

In general, when you draw The Sun, reversed or upright, money is likely to be much better than usual. Still, that doesn’t mean you should spend it as quickly as it comes in! You won’t have to wait much longer if you’ve been waiting on a decision to be made by others. Even reversed, The Sun means that the decision is very likely to be in your favor.

However, you may need to provide more information to the financial people before everything is finalized. If so, don’t worry as things still look good.

Work and Career

The Sun reversed shows a particular need for you to share any credit for good work with those who work with you no matter who did the bulk of the work. On the whole, if you are currently employed, your work is well received, and new opportunities and improvements may appear. Just don’t take your employment for granted and slack off in any way when this card appears.

The Sun reversed can indicate that if you’re looking for a new job, it may be nearer than you think. You’ll need to stay focused on what you bring to the table and how your skills and talents could benefit the employer, and not so much what they could do for you!


Even reversed health and feelings of well-being should be at a high point. Try and take some time off if you can and just enjoy life. This will help you mentally as well as physically and if you look back you are likely to find that your attitude of late has been more positive too. All of this can affect how well your body works for you.

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


The Sun reversed means you may be a little confused about your spirituality from time to time. You’ll know that there is a great deal of beauty, joy and happiness to be found in this life, if you are looking hard enough and in the right places. But you may have times of not being sure where to look!

If this is the case, ask around. Seek at least a bit of spiritual mentoring. Ask in your spiritual community, if you have one, or if not, ask for recommendations for spiritual communities in whatever way that makes sense to you.

This is a great time to try different spiritual approaches on for size to see if any of them work for you. The strength and beauty of The Sun is still there in your spirit and never goes away, but It’s just that some metaphorical cloud cover may be making it hard for you to see and feel. Have faith in yourself and in the beauty of this planet and this universe.

The Sun Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

The Sun reversed is a “Yes” that tends toward “Maybe.”

The Sun Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion

When The Sun card appears reversed in a tarot reading, it offers a unique perspective on the concept of freedom and your journey toward self-discovery. This card serves notice that you are on the brink of experiencing a more liberated phase in your life.

Although the light of The Sun typically represents clarity, vibrancy, and joy, its reversed position suggests a shift in energy. You may find that the freedom now available to you is not as straightforward as it might initially seem; instead, you will need to navigate through layers of complexity that require effort and introspection.

See Also: The Sun

Tarot Meanings for “The Sun Reversed” by Charis

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