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Judgment Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation
Judgment reversed is still often a card about jumping to conclusions, as well as decisions and judgments which are too hastily made. If this is you then it’s a signal to slow down and give things more thought; anything and everything including people.
This card in any configuration, reversed or upright does not mean that you need to judge someone or something, but to rethink it. Particularly when Judgment is reversed, that may be too late, and the decision has already been made.
Judgment reversed tells you to look carefully at how you are making decisions and judgments. If you tend to jump to conclusions, you can, and should, change this.
If, on the other hand, it is others making these kinds of decisions about you or about someone you care for, there is realistically next to nothing you can do about it.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but sometimes even judgments which look at first to be completely unfair, actually work out to be for your highest good. Control what you can and ignore the rest.
Reversed Judgment is still saying this could be a make-or-break period for an existing relationship. You, and the people around you, may be in the process of changing. Don’t cling tightly to the status quo unless it makes sense to do so, but there is a good chance it won’t.
If you are looking for love, or you draw Judgment reversed regarding someone you have your eye on, a new relationship may well come about in the near future. Still, you may need to take steps to make sure that you aren’t making assumptions about your new love and/or vice versa. Don’t rush things but instead take your time.
Money and Finances
Don’t beat your head against a brick wall, as they say. Take one step at a time. If a decision has been made already, and it’s not in the direction you would like, find another way. There is always more than one way to accomplish a goal, always more than one person to help you. This is an important time to be flexible, if things aren’t working out the way you had hoped that they would.
Work and Career
When you draw reversed Judgment, it is very possible that things may be changing at work. If you want to keep this job as long as possible, behave as though you know every moment you’re there, you are being watched.
This is an important time to put in extra effort. The news ultimately is likely to be good, but only if you’ve been trying hard and doing your best, in which case your efforts are very likely to pay off. If you’ve been slacking off then change your ways before any permanent damage is done.
On the other hand, if you should lose this job – and the wheels may have been put into motion for that long before you drew the card – hang on to the knowledge that you are being moved to a situation that is much better for you.
Looking for work is problematic when Judgment reversed enters the arena. Don’t allow yourself to think the worst whether that’s messing up an interview or that you will never find a job. Getting hired is a complex process and it’s easy to forget that sometimes.
When you pull this card in reverse in connection with health issues, it’s a signal that accepting that it is okay for you to make mistakes or even to be wrong on occasion will go a long way toward helping you to feel better.
Judgment reversed is a reminder not to fight change, and to accept that the past is over, and that letting go of anger over the past will help you to feel better. Thinking positively and letting go of past hurts and issues will go a long way to feeling better.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
Judgment reversed again reminds you of the need to be open to new ideas and new experiences. Change is a constant in life. That doesn’t mean that you should just change everything willy-nilly and get rid of a spiritual practice that comforts you completely, only that you will benefit from looking at new and different approaches. They can benefit you in ways that you can’t imagine at this point. And you’ll never gain these benefits unless you are open to a certain amount of change.
Judgment Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
Judgment Reversed is a “Maybe” that leans towards “Yes.”
The Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
Judgment reversed often suggests a tendency to jump to conclusions and make impulsive decisions. If this strikes a chord with you, it serves as a clear reminder to pause and consider matters more carefully – especially when it comes to other people. Take the time to reflect before forming judgments and resist the urge to rush into conclusions.
This card in any configuration, reversed or upright does not mean that you need to judge someone or something, but to rethink the way you do it. Particularly when Judgment is reversed, that may be too late, and the decision has already been made, and it was not the correct one.
See Also: Judgment
Tarot Meanings for “Judgment Reversed” by Charis
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