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2 of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

2 of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning

The 2 of Cups reversed predominantly pertains to romantic relationships; however, similar to its upright counterpart, it carries additional meanings. This card can also signify balance, friendship, joy, and the importance of sharing.


In general, the 2 of Cups reversed is still a card that says that life is likely to be going well. However, it does carry a slight warning; be careful that you are not causing problems in your platonic friendships by over attention to your love life.


In general, the 2 of Cups reversed means you will need to make sure you aren’t paying too much attention to love to the exclusion of all else. If you get this card when there are problems in a relationship, it may be time to forgive and forget over past problems. Starting afresh is not always easy, but it can be done.

If, however, you are looking for love rather than being in a relationship already, you should cast your mind back to someone you met and liked but nothing came of it at the time. Take a second look and perhaps get in touch and see if something comes of it this time.

Money and Finances

The 2 of Cups reversed generally indicates balance and fairness with regard to money. If money is a problem for you, look at the state of your relationships with people that you work with. Is there something that you can do to improve your working relationships? This will very likely improve your money flow, also.

Work and Career

When you receive the 2 of Cups reversed, you may find that quite suddenly you like your work a lot less, and you may feel that there are unpleasant similar feelings that your workmates may hold toward you.

First of all, don’t panic. This is possibly a passing phase. But if this job is truly not right for you, then you may need to start thinking of making a change. Trust your instincts on this one.

If you are looking for work get in touch with people you have worked with in the past and see if they know of any openings that you might be a fit for. Similarly, it could be worth your while to approach companies you have applied to before and see if there’s anything there that you might be a fit for.


If you are facing particular health problems, the reversed 2 of Cups can indicate a need for you to consider your feelings about allowing others to help you. You may be in need of some healing; but it may be hard for you to accept help.

In general, the two reversed is still a fairly good omen when it comes to health. Keep a positive attitude which will be very important for good health.

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


This is a time to work on your feelings of belonging with the energies of the universe and being at peace with yourself. Even reversed this is one of the cards that represents the heart chakra and its opening. Find your joy, and your bliss, and share it. No one can do these things for you.

2 of Cups Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

The 2 of Cups reversed is a “Maybe” but does lean fairly strongly towards “Yes.”

The Tarot Meaning in Conclusion

The 2 of Cups reversed mainly links to romantic relationships; however, similar to its upright counterpart, it carries additional meanings. This card can also signify balance, friendship, joy, and the importance of sharing.

When reversed, it may indicate a disruption or imbalance in these areas, suggesting that there might be misunderstandings or conflicts that need to be addressed. Make sure you focus on open communication and mutual respect to restore harmony.

See Also: 2 of Cups

Tarot Meanings for “2 of Cups Reversed” by Charis

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