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4 of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation
The 4 of Cups reversed is a card about breaking out of a self-imposed rut. You may know that you’re in a rut but not realize that it is a self-imposed one. You can control your own destiny to an extent so it’s time to get on with the job. You are about to find yourself getting moving again and that is a good thing.
When the 4 of Cups reversed appears, it is a time for you to get moving. It is not the time to be pitying yourself or giving in to an “if only” way of thinking. Start where you are, and know that no matter what is happening, you can make a difference. Counting your blessings even in difficult times is important.
The 4 of Cups reversed means that you may have a tendency to be withdrawing into yourself rather than engaging in the daily maintenance that all relationships need. To get the best out of your relationship you need to be part of it rather than being apart mentally.
If you are looking for love then it would seem that you may finally be ready to move beyond the ghosts of your past and toward a brighter, happier love life in the future. Spend time thinking about who and what you really and truly need in your life. Look forward, not back.
Money and Finances
If you look carefully around you, you will see opportunities that you haven’t noticed before. Take some time to explore them as they might be exactly what you need. Your motivation should be higher than ever to make money and improve your lot. You can do it so believe in yourself and follow through.
Work and Career
You may finally be getting the get-up-and-go attitude needed to get yourself out of an unhappy work situation. Good for you! You don’t need to do anything precipitate but if you look around you there will be opportunities for you to take. You can take your own life by the horns, so believe in yourself.
If you are on the lookout for a job, then it’s a time for patience if you have applications in. Companies are slow to process anything like applications, but you will not be helping your chances if you make a nuisance of yourself by constantly inquiring about what’s happening.
If you have not got any applications in at this time, then bear the above in mind for when you do.
When you receive the 4 of Cups reversed in relation to health and fitness, it is saying that this is an excellent time to make some positive changes to your health care routine. Consider whether you need more exercise, better diet, or both. You can also bring yourself to see a practitioner now if you have been putting off needed checkups.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
The 4 of Cups reversed tells you that you are breaking out of a rut and that’s a very good thing. Stay positive, explore new ways of learning about and caring for your spirit. Pay attention to speakers and writers with a spiritual message and then see what it means to you personally. You don’t have to tend to your spiritual life the same way that everyone else does. Find your own path if that’s what you want to do.
4 of Cups Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
The 4 of Cups reversed is a “Maybe” that is leaning towards “No.”
4 of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The reversed 4 of Cups symbolizes the opportunity to break free from a self-imposed stagnation. You may be aware that you are stuck, yet you might not recognize that you have the power to change your situation. You have the ability to steer your own destiny to a certain extent, so it’s time to take action.
See Also: 4 of Cups
Tarot Meanings for “4 of Cups Reversed” by Charis
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