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5 of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation
The 5 of Cups reversed can indicate that new prospects and new projects are about to come into your life. It’s a time to be hopeful and to reach out to others if you are in need of something – whether that need is for work, attention, concern, or anything else. Have faith in yourself and faith that your needs can be met.
When you pull the 5 of Cups reversed you may have just been through a difficult time. The good news is that your recovery seems to be moving along well. Keep moving and don’t get stuck in things that are already over and done with.
With the 5 of Cups reversed you are beginning to realize that you can have a happy and meaningful love relationship, period. You do not have to accept abuse or trying to twist yourself into a pretzel to make something work with an unsuitable partner. If you’re not yet feeling this way, you soon will be. Trust your instincts.
For those of you looking for love it doesn’t matter what mistakes you’ve made in the past. Give yourself a break and let go of them. The right person won’t care if you’ve made mistakes. We all have.
Money and Finances
The 5 of Cups reversed reminds you to make a point to count your blessings and to be grateful for what you already have. Again, you are moving into a period where you are more in touch with who you really are and what you are really capable of bringing to the table in order to bring more prosperity into your life. Think positive and cultivate your self-esteem.
Work and Career
Although things may have been tough with regard to work lately, you are beginning to figure out that the only person you can truly control or affect the situation is you yourself. Think positively and consider what is truly right for you. Keep a great attitude and be civil. That and the best work you can produce is all they have a right to expect.
If, however, you are looking for work focus on what skills you have and not on those you don’t have. You have a skillset you can bring to the table, and it will stand you in good stead.
As with the upright five in this context, it’s critical that you keep a positive attitude. Not getting over what someone did to you in your past means now is the time to get help in resolving these issues. Forgiving other people is not for their benefit; it’s for yours.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
You are ready for a fresh spiritual start, and you are likely to be feeling renewed very soon, if you are not sensing this already. Make a point to bring in new, and different information on spirituality which intrigues you. You can do this through meeting new people, obtaining information on different faith traditions, or even reading philosophy. allow yourself to have some new information to chew over.
5 of Cups Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
The 5 of Cups reversed is a solid “Maybe.”
5 of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The 5 of Cups reversed suggests a shift in your life. The emergence of new prospects and projects are on the horizon so don’t think you’re in a rut. The upright five often symbolizes feelings of loss, regret, or mourning over what has been left behind.
However, in its reversed position, it signals a transformative phase is on the way. Much needed healing can begin, and hope will once again be with you. Now is the time to focus on the positives rather than dwelling in the negatives of your past.
See Also: 5 of Cups
Tarot Meanings for “5 of Cups Reversed” by Charis
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