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Page of Cups Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

Page of Cups Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

When the Page of Cups appears, it’s a signal to allow the childlike side of yourself to come forward. Like most of the Cups suit, the Page is an uplifting and encouraging sign to receive in a tarot reading. It also can indicate that someone and likely someone who is younger than you, is coming your way before long with a message for you.


In general, this card shows a need to play, to dream, to have a little fun. When the Page of Cups appears, it sometimes means that you’ve been taking yourself far too seriously.

Margot Fonteyn said, “The one important thing I have learned over the years is the difference between taking one’s work seriously and taking one’s self seriously. The first is imperative and the second is disastrous.” Margot Fonteyn got it exactly right and it is important to know the difference.


A younger person even if only by a few days may be part of your love scenario. Remember that love doesn’t take notice of age, so don’t discount people who are younger purely on that basis! This card in the context of love can mean that someone is about to sweep you off your feet. Give them a chance to do so.

If you are already in a relationship, this card can say that one of you is being childish. It is quite possible that this applies to both of you. Childish is not always a bad thing of course as children are loving, caring, and often quite blunt. But if immaturity is an issue causing problems at this time, then speak up.

Money and Finances

If your finances are in a holding pattern because of decisions that must be made by someone else, the appearance of this card says that the time is growing nigh. Your financial situation is likely to take a turn for the better. If you’re in the market for a/some big-ticket items, don’t scrimp on your homework.

Work and Career

Even if things have been lousy in your job for the last ten years, the appearance of this card shows that there is cause for hope and positive anticipation. No matter who you are, you have professional options. Life can change on a dime, and sometimes those changes are positive. If you’re unhappy in your current work, know that you hold the key to changing it.

Even if you have been struggling to find a job that will not always be the way. The appearance of the Page can indicate that someone who is younger than you (even by a few weeks) may be instrumental now in you finding work. This can include your children so keep an open mind and ask questions.


Listen to your body with great care and great compassion. What might it be telling you? For example, if you’re having back pain, are you carrying (literally or figuratively) too much?

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


You may need to revisit your spiritual rituals if your traditions have begun to feel stale. It might be helpful to give yourself the time and space to consider if or where you can pursue new spiritual information that might be interesting to you. Explore the world around you and read spiritual things from other traditions/belief systems than your own.

Page of Cups Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

This is a weak “Yes” leaning back toward “Maybe.”

Page of Cups Tarot Meaning in Conclusion

When the Page of Cups makes its appearance during a tarot reading, it serves as a reminder to embrace your inner child and to reconnect with that innocent part of yourself that often gets overshadowed by the responsibilities and stresses of adult life.

This card is known for its associations with emotions, intuition, and heartfelt connections, making its message both uplifting and rewarding. The Page of Cups encourages you to approach life with a sense of wonder and imagination, and to look at the world through a childlike lens.

See Also: Page of Cups Reversed

Tarot Meanings for “Page of Cups” by Charis

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