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Justice Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

Whether it is Justice reversed or upright, it deals with the idea of karma and all that that entails, stating that we are all connected as is everything that happens.
Sometimes karma will be a direct result of something you have done or said, but not always. Sometimes it will be someone you care about, and you will need to deal with their karma. It will be just as difficult to deal with that as it would be to deal with karma of your own making.
Don’t blame yourself for something that is of their making.
Justice reversed can mean that you are currently feeling as though something happening in your life is particularly unjust. You may well be correct. However, there may not be a great deal that you can do about it, and even if there is not, it will be important to accept reality and not chafe too much.
When you draw Justice reversed, in the context of a love relationship, it can be very important that you look carefully at exactly what you are bringing about in this relationship.
You may feel that you have been treated unfairly when this card appears and this may be the case, but it’s important to bear in mind that such things rarely come about in a vacuum.
How might you have contributed to the current situation or current difficulties, if you are currently in a relationship?
When you draw Justice reversed and you are looking for love, know that although you may feel as though you are ready for a long-term, loving relationship, that there may be ways in which you are standing in your own way to prevent love from coming to you.
For example, if you are too eager to make changes to your own life, in order to mesh with a partner, you may in fact need to develop stronger boundaries and a stronger sense of self before a true, loving, long term relationship will come about for you. Meditation on these matters can be helpful now.
Money and Finances
With Justice reversed showing, this is unlikely to be a good time for gambling. Be cautious and prudent with your money, and see to it that with cash in particular, you are careful where you put it and who has access to it.
If you are waiting on an answer to financial issues and questions that must come from someone else or an institution, unfortunately you may have to wait a while longer. Try to be patient the answer will come.
Work and Career
When Justice reverse appears in a work question, you may indeed be being treated unfairly in your workplace. However, there may not be a great deal which you can do to change this in the short term.
Think critically and logically about what is happening and do not allow emotion to make you cut off your nose to spite your face. Even when reversed, this card carries the warning that you need to be sure that your work and life are in balance.
Again, too much emphasis on either aspect of life throws them into imbalance. Seek the best advice you can find before making any major changes with regard to your working life.
Yes, things may be unjust. However, the solution may be of longer term than simply leaving or creating a confrontation about it. Slow down.
It’s essential to remain present and mindful of how you maintain balance in your life. Again, remember, moderation isn’t just for monks; it’s vital for maintaining both a sensible and healthy lifestyle.
Think hard about areas where you might be out of balance, especially if you are having health issues, and take steps to address it. You can make positive changes which will help.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
Regardless of what is going on in your life and even if you feel that you have been absolutely unfairly treated, this is a time to work on being centered and grounded.
Your anger and sense of maltreatment are not going to help you. If you are really having a tough time dealing with the challenges of life. You may find the writings of the current Dalai Lama very helpful and inspirational. Increase your compassion, for yourself, and for the world. You are not being singled out for torment.
Justice Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
Justice reversed is a definite “Maybe.”
Justice Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The concept of justice, whether it is represented in an upright position or reversed, suggests the intricate notion of karma and the multifaceted relationships it embodies. At its heart this principle suggests that we are all connected, intertwined in a web of actions and consequences that extend beyond our immediate perceptions.
Every action we take, whether open or subtle, sends ripples through the fabric of our existence, influencing not only our lives but also the lives of those around us.
See Also: Justice
Tarot Meanings for “Justice Reversed” by Charis
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