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The Devil Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The Devil Tarot Meaning

The Devil is not as scary a card to interpret as the depiction on most cards indicates. If you are one of those with a religious bent, you may find it particularly disturbing. It is, however, a card about bondage but often this bondage is metaphorical and internal.

With The Devil you are called to look beyond superficial appearances and to go deeper into the truth and meaning of a situation. You also are asked to remember that when you’re feeling restrained you nearly always hold the keys to your own freedom. So don’t give up hope!


It’s important for you to remember that no matter what your situation, that you always have options to choose from. First things first, don’t let other people tell you that your options are limited. If you come to that conclusion, be sure that you are coming to it on your own.

Regardless, it will be crucial to remember that you can free yourself from whatever restrictions are holding you back, at any time you choose to do so. You may have the feeling now that you are not in control of your life; sometimes this happens as a result of your own actions, but more often as a byproduct of inaction.  

So, take action, take whatever measures you can to give yourself the feeling, however slight, of being in control.


If you’re in a long-term romantic relationship, one or both of you may have gotten to the point where they feel as though they are trapped in the situation. If you’re getting signals that this is the case, try to talk about it, if you want to save the relationship.

The Devil also sometimes appears when there is really nothing to be done but to end an unhappy relationship. We always have choices. Take steps to keep the magic alive if you can.

If you’re seeking love, this may be a signal that you’re reaching the point of desperation, an attitude which definitely drives off would-be lovers. If that’s the case, consider taking a short time out from relationship-seeking and get to know yourself better. Return to your search when it’s feeling less urgent.

Money and Finances

Things may be or may be about to get very tight in the near future. Try not to be angry and resentful with the situation. Yes, it does suck but try to deal calmly and rationally with it. Take one step at a time.

If you need help because you’re running short, you will have to ask for it. Help is very likely to be available to you.

If, on the other hand, you’re feeling flush right now, this is still a time that calls for financial restraint. Don’t overspend and don’t buy unnecessary items, particularly luxury ones. It’s one of those times you should save for the proverbial rainy day!

Work and Career

You may very well feel trapped in a job that you detest but can’t see your way clear to leave because of the security. Consider whether or not the trade-offs are worth it; the truth of the matter is that in this day and age, very few jobs, pensions, etc. and so forth are truly secure. If you choose to stay where you are; be aware that this is a choice that you are making, nothing has been foisted upon you.

If you don’t feel the trade-off is worth your unhappiness, start putting out feelers and giving thought to what you can do to change the situation. You are not trapped unless you allow yourself to be trapped.

If you are looking for a job, then it will be critical to keep your morale up. If job searching is getting you down, then make sure to seek out friends and/or family who have a positive and upbeat attitude. Let it rub off on you! Desperation shows when being interviewed whereas a positive frame of mind can hide that.


This is a time that you need to watch out for being overworked, overtired, and over-stressed. Exercise will help, as will anything that helps you focus on the problems faced by others rather than on your own.

If you are dealing with a chronic health condition, don’t let it define you; you are more than your diseases and you are better served by using any health challenges as an impetus for growth.

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


Keeping a positive mindset is of the utmost importance right now. Positive affirmations are important and will benefit you. Take a look at who you surround yourself with. Are there upbeat, positive people in your midst, or are you surrounded by overly critical, fault-finding people who nitpick you to the point where you’re depressed? Take stock, then take action. Life is short, and attitudes are catching.

The Devil Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

The Devil is a “No” leaning towards a positive “Maybe.”

The Devil Tarot Meaning in Conclusion

The Devil is not as daunting a card to interpret as depicted on many tarot cards. The imagery may evoke feelings of discomfort or fear, but it is of paramount importance that you look at this card without preconceived notions and instead to make the most of the warnings and opportunities it presents..

At first glance, The Devil might conjure images of temptation or malevolence, symbolizing everything from addictive behaviors to negative influences that loom large in our lives. However, it is crucial to understand that the essence of this card revolves around the concept of mental bondage and often bondage that is self-imposed.

When you draw The Devil in a reading, it’s a chance to confront the restrictions such as unhealthy attachments, anxieties, or fears that are preventing you from achieving your fullest potential.

Thus, the message of The Devil is complex, but it is telling you to channel its energy toward introspection, growth, and the belief that hope is always within reach – you just have to grasp it and turn the tide in your favor!

See Also: The Devil Reversed

Tarot Meanings for “The Devil ” by Charis

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