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The Hanged Man Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The Hanged Man reversed usually indicates a life or situation at a crossroads, presenting only two options: in or out, up or down, yes or no.
This is not the time to try to control people, outcomes, or situations. Instead, it’s a moment to critically examine yourself and your choices, and to be intentional in your actions. If you’re completely unsure of what to do, it’s often a sign to pause and do nothing.
When the Hanged Man appears in reverse, it shows that it’s time to release an aspect or someone that has outgrown its or their purpose in your life. Reflect carefully before making any decisions but understand that letting go of something that no longer serves you can pave the way for something even more positive to appear.
The Hanged Man reversed especially urges you not to resist change. Embrace the opportunity for growth and transformation.
Again, when it comes to the Hanged Man reversed, the theme is generally and unfortunately more emphatically one of letting go. You may need to let go of a vision of a particular kind of relationship or a relationship with a certain person as being the only way that you can be happy.
If you’re in a long-term relationship, it too may well be at a crossroads. There’s no need to freak out if the latter is the case, just take some time to think about some subtle cues which you may have been getting. Don’t ignore them for to do so may take your relationship down the wrong road.
Money and Finances
The Hanged Man reversed indicates you may be unsure about what to do with regard to your financial situation. One of the most important things to realize now is that you are NOT alone, and you don’t have to try to do everything on your own. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you need it.
At the same time, as with the upright meaning, if things are tight financially but you still have some resources remaining this is an important time to give in order to receive.
There may be someone nearby who would love to share whatever it is you have to give. Find them and share it. We are all in this life together.
Work and Career
If things are not going well at work when The Hanged Man appears, it is important that you resist the temptation to blame everything and everyone besides yourself. At the same time, you shouldn’t blame yourself for everything as that will prevent you from being able to move forward.
Ultimately, you may need to change something major about your current work; give some thought to what your ideal situation may look like and see if you can help bring it about.
If you have been looking for a job for some time The Hanged Man tells you that you are looking in the wrong direction. Rethink your job search and don’t be afraid to think outside the box.
When The Hanged Man reversed appears and you’ve not been feeling well, it can be a very important time to consider some meaningful changes in your habits to see how it affects your health and if it improves it – with your medical practitioner’s blessing, of course.
For example, many people have found that their health improves markedly when they completely stop any intake of dairy food or meat or nightshade vegetables.
As with the upright meaning, if you are not feeling well, give it some thought and do some research. It’s possible that something you thought you understood could better be treated in different way. Listen to your body and what it’s telling you and consider the potential spiritual relationship to any physical symptoms.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
When The Hanged Man reversed appears in relation to spirituality, old messages we received as children can be coming back to haunt us. This is especially true for those raised in fundamentalist or evangelical religions.
Examine your long-held beliefs and see if they withstand the light of day. Ideally spirituality is a process and a growth. Concepts that were complete enough when you were twelve years old may not be so complete today. Don’t hesitate to reach out and study with others; consider their spiritual points of view and see what rings true for you.
The Hanged Man Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
The Hanged Man reversed is a “maybe” like the upright card, but is leaning towards “No.”
The Hanged Man Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The Hanged Man, when reversed in a tarot card reading, typically represents a pivotal moment in your life or in relation to a specific situation. This card indicates being at a crossroads, where decisions can feel overwhelmingly dualistic and for that matter simplistic.
This choice of two options can create a significant amount of stress and urgency, pushing you to feel that you must make a choice quickly, with the pressure mounting on you to take sides or to act decisively.
However, it’s truly important to recognize that this is not the ideal time to exert control over people, outcomes, or situations. The reversed Hanged Man encourages you to surrender the illusion of control and give up the desire to impose your will on the world around you.
See Also: The Hanged Man
Tarot Meanings for “The Hanged Man Reversed” by Charis
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