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The Hanged Man Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The Hanged Man Tarot Meaning

The Hanged Man typically indicates that you are at a crossroads, faced with a binary choice: in or out, up or down, yes or no.

You might feel a strong urge to take action but be unsure of what to do or how to proceed. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s a clear signal to pause, relax, and consider how you might need to release your attempts to control life, situations, people, or things.


You might be holding onto an outdated attitude or wish that needs to be released. Letting go of it can open your life to something even more positive.

This should be a thoughtful and reflective time, especially if you’re willing to consider how you might best serve your own interests by embracing change. Any sacrifice you make now can lead to greater opportunities and fulfillment.


The theme here is one of letting go. For instance, letting go of an unattainable lover can open up the possibility of finding someone who is truly available and present for you. This is just one example. You might also need to let go of the idea that a specific type of relationship is the only path to happiness.

If you’re in a long-term relationship, it might be at a crossroads. Even if you think the relationship is wonderful, it’s important to check in with your partner to understand their perspective on the state of affairs. Letting go can lead to new opportunities and a deeper understanding of what truly brings you joy and fulfillment.

Money and Finances

If things are tight, this is an important time to open up the flow of prosperity by giving away some of what you have, even if all you have is a piece of bread.

If that’s the case, know that there is someone nearby who would probably give their right arm to share that piece of bread with you. Find them and share it. Something as simple as this may start the wheels turning to bring your prosperity into better times.

Work and Career

Nothing much may seem to be happening, and you may well be sick of it. This is a great time to figure out if there is anything that you personally can do about it, if this is the case, and if there is not an action that you can take, then try not to take the slowness of the wheels of change personally.

Things will change. It just may not happen on your timetable. Relax, or else look for different work.

If you are looking for work, then you too are at a crossroads. You must give some thought as to what direction you take in your search. What are you good at> Can you travel for work? And so on. A new job is out there but are you looking in the right place or in the right way?


You may change your mind radically about something that you think is wrong with you physically. This is not a siren song to just ignore everything your doctor has told you, but give it some deep thought, do some research. It’s possible that something you thought you understood could best be treated in another way. Your health will improve, but it’s a process.

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


It’s crucial now to let go of any negative, self-limiting beliefs. Remember the idea of the self-fulfilling prophecy and be very careful about what you allow yourself to say or think about your life.

Make sure the prophecies you are making about your life bear some resemblance to the life you really wish to see. By focusing on positive thoughts and affirmations, you can create a more fulfilling and successful reality. Embrace the power of your mind and be mindful of the words and thoughts you choose, as they shape your future.

The Hanged Man Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

The Hanged Man is a “Maybe” leaning towards “Yes.”

The Hanged Man Tarot Meaning in Conclusion

The Hanged Man is a powerful archetype within the tarot, often symbolizing a moment of reflection and significant decision-making. When this card appears, it typically indicates that you are standing at a crossroads, confronted with a choice of two options, but which will you choose?

Every option may appear equally appealing, yet the heavy presence of uncertainty hangs over you as you navigate your thoughts and emotions.

See Also: The Hanged Man Reversed

Tarot Meanings for “The Hanged Man” by Charis

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