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The High Priestess Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The High Priestess Reversed Tarot Meaning

The High Priestess is inherently a deeply spiritual card, even when reversed, often carrying subtle sexual undertones.

However, in its reversed position, you may find it challenging to recognize or connect with the powerful, intuitive, and alluring energy that this card embodies. That energy is indeed present; it’s essential to seek it out and give yourself permission to embrace it. Allow yourself to truly feel this energy.


You may be struggling to discern the messages from your intuition. If so, this is a clear indication that you should take some time to calm your mind and engage in meditation, as well as enjoy moments of solitude.

Experiment with various methods, such as journaling, practicing yoga, or exploring walking meditations. The insights you seek are within you. Trust in yourself and your instincts.


Even with this card in reversal, there is a strong likelihood that others are finding you much more attractive than usual. Don’t ignore this, if you are looking for love!

Conversely, when The High Priestess appears in reverse, you might struggle to grasp the perspectives of others regarding love and romance. If you’re uncertain, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. Avoid making assumptions.

Money and Finances

A specific individual or a group of people may not be entirely truthful with you concerning financial matters. Exercise caution when signing any documents, especially when this card appears in reverse. It’s essential to seek additional information and guidance before making any significant transactions you might be contemplating. The presence of The High Priestess in reverse suggests that things may not be as they seem at first glance.

Work and Career

When The High Priestess appears upside down in relation to work or career inquiries, it often indicates a state of confusion regarding your professional life. If you can, don’t hesitate to seek clarification from your supervisors or colleagues about the situation at hand. Conversely, your instincts may be urging you to take a step back and remain under the radar. If that resonates with you, trust your intuition; clarity will come in due time.


When The High Priestess appears in connection with a health question, it’s important to realize that you may not yet have all the information you need, and that you shouldn’t necessarily accept without question the first opinion you are given.

If you are under treatment for a physical problem, it makes sense to get a second opinion now. Trust your instincts, but of course, follow medical advice that you are given. If you feel something is not right with your physical being, keep seeking help until you are given some. You may need to see a different health care practitioner. Trust yourself. Support your good health as best you can with a proper diet, sufficient exercise, and vitamins/minerals.

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


When The High Priestess appears in reverse, it can be telling you that spirit has been sending you messages – both in your waking and sleeping life – which you may have overlooked.

Consider any synchronicities or odd occurrences that have happened lately, or very vivid dreams that have stuck with you. What might they be telling you? Give yourself some time and space to meditate and you may well find that you’ll understand the message.

Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

This card often conveys a sense of uncertainty and ambiguity, so a slightly negative “Maybe” rather than a definitive “Yes” or “No.”

The Meaning in Conclusion

The High Priestess is a card rich in symbolism and spiritual significance and is often regarded as one of the most profound archetypes in the tarot. When upright, she radiates a sense of inner wisdom, intuition, and deep spiritual knowledge. This card reflects a connection to the mysteries of the universe, embodying the qualities of femininity, subconscious understanding, and hidden truths.

However, when The High Priestess appears in a reversed position, her essence takes on a different color, one that is often shrouded in a complexity that can both intrigue and challenge those who encounter her.

See Also: The High Priestess

Tarot Meanings for “The High Priestess Reversed” by Charis

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