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The Magician Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation
Even when reversed, The Magician is about making higher and better use of all of one’s power. The reversal, however, can indicate that you are hesitant about making the necessary changes in order to use your power in a more spiritual and more effective manner.
Consider what it is that you are afraid of. Is it that others may not like “the new you?” You’re right, they might not. However, this is no reason not to step into who you really want to and are meant to be.
When The Magician shows in reverse, you may be overlooking synchronicities which could be pointing you in the direction you most want to and need to go.
Again, when The Magician card is reversed, you could be doubting yourself unnecessarily and causing yourself (and those around you) problems as a result.
If you are single, then The Magician reversed can indicate that you are losing faith in your ability to find, attract, and keep new love. This attitude must be stopped and right now, in order for you to be successful.
In a committed relationship, this card appearing in reverse may suggest hesitance in expressing your genuine desires and needs. It is crucial to find the courage to articulate your feelings honestly and openly during this time.
Money and Finances
When the reversed Magician appears, it can indicate feelings of helplessness and of being stuck when it comes to money. The truth of the matter is that you can make changes, and you can improve your lot in life, if you will try.
If you do what you have always done, there is no doubt that you will basically get what you have always gotten. Think about changes and new ventures that you could try. You may find that they are far more successful than you’d expect.
Work and Career
Receiving The Magician reversed can indicate a resistance to much needed change when it comes to your working life. The truth is that nothing stays the same forever, change and newness is a part of life. Don’t cling to the past, but go out there and look for something new.
The Magician, even reversed, is a good signifier for improved health. Take good care of yourself and seek medical counsel if you need it. Believe in your body’s ability to heal itself and there is a good chance you are likely to be feeling much better fairly quickly.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
When this card appears reversed, it indicates a need for new experiences and perspectives. Perhaps even new input into the way you think about and function with your spirituality.
It’s okay and in fact, it’s desirable and healthy for your spiritual approaches and thoughts to change over time. Try new things. Talk to people who see things differently than you do. You will both benefit.
Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
It’s a “Maybe” that is slightly positive and may end up as “Yes.”
The Magician Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
Even when viewed from a reversed perspective, the symbolism of The Magician card continues to center around the idea of harnessing and optimizing one’s innate abilities and potential.
Traditionally, The Magician stands as a powerful figure, embodying mastery over one’s resources and the effective execution of intention. This archetype suggests the capability to transform visions into reality, tapping into the elements and tools available to manifest dreams.
However, when The Magician appears reversed, it often serves as a potent reminder of internal conflicts and hesitations that hinder this transformative process.
See Also: The Magician
Tarot Meanings for “The Magician Reversed” by Charis
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