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The Moon Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The Moon reversed indicates that you may be experiencing confusion and uncertainty in your current circumstances, particularly in your relationships with others.
It’s confusing when it comes to how you are feeling yourself, but others? It can feel as though those around you are just as unclear about your thoughts and feelings as you are about theirs.
Rather than attempting to impose your own timeline on situations or people, it is important to embrace this period of uncertainty. Allow things to unfold naturally instead of trying to rush or control them before they are ready.
Just like the Moon in an upright position, you are definitely in a more psychic and intuitive phase than usual. It is essential to trust your instincts and intuitions, even if their origins remain unclear to you.
However, when you draw the Moon reversed the impressions you are getting may be less than clear and easily misinterpreted. Even so, don’t ignore the messages you are getting. Try to interpret their meanings.
As with the upright meaning of this card, if you are waiting on an answer from someone, it may unfortunately take quite a bit longer than you would like for it to. Try to stay patient even though that will be frustrating.
As with the upright meaning, the reversed moon can point to a highly emotional and/or uncomfortable time in love relationships. Things can very quickly become negative. Take a break from each other and/or the relationship if you need to. Don’t make assumptions, and don’t fight dirty if you do fight.
Don’t ignore your intuition, however. To do so would make you even more irritable, upset, and perhaps, anxious. Pick your battles and be sure to treat your lover like a friend. As the saying goes, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.”
Even though it’s not a great time to do so for those of you looking for love you need to rein in your expectations of finding someone quickly. Patience and perseverance are your watchwords.
Money and Finances
When The Moon reversed appears in the context of a financial question, it seems very clear that you do not have all the information you need to make a decision, even if you think that you do.
If you are facing a difficult financial situation or are considering signing some sort of contract, get excellent, professional advice before signing or making major changes to your financial life. It’s not just you who may be affected by a lack of clarity; when this card appears reversed, others around you may also be misguided.
Work and Career
When The Moon reversed is drawn, things unfortunately may be very unclear at work. Most damaging of all is when you think you really understand something, and actually you don’t.
It will be important that you ask questions, particularly of your superiors, and practice active listening to make sure that you and your co-workers understand each other perfectly. Stay as patient and calm as you can, and try not to feel attacked and give your colleagues the benefit of any doubt.
Things are almost certainly not as bad as you think. Don’t push for major changes on the work front; the time may not be right, unless you are looking for a new position.
For those of you seeking work and have drawn The Moon reversed you may have to force yourself to have a positive attitude to avoid getting depressed at the lack of success. You will find a job eventually but in the short term it will take an almost superhuman effort to do so.
This is a critically important time for you to follow your intuition as to your health issues, provided you don’t go against the advice given by a qualified medical practitioner. As with the upright meaning of the moon, when The Moon is reversed, look carefully at the diagnoses and feelings that you have about your health care providers. If it doesn’t feel right don’t be afraid to get a second opinion. Again, when the Moon is appearing in reverse, use the utmost care and caution with any use of substances. Indulge in moderation, if you must do so at all.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
When you draw The Moon reversed, it is a very spiritual time and you should take the opportunity to seek input from spiritual types.
As with The Moon in an upright position you are more psychically open than usual although the reversal means that the messages you are getting may be more difficult to interpret. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, and to any flashes of information that randomly appear to you.
The Moon Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
The Moon reversed is a fairly solid “Maybe” but may very slightly lean towards “No.”
The Moon Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The Moon reversed suggests that you may find yourself navigating a foggy landscape of confusion and uncertainty, particularly when it comes to your own mind and your relationships with others. As you search for clarity, it may seem as though your own feelings are difficult to pin down and this internal struggle can be quite challenging.
In relationships, this period of uncertainty can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications. It’s as if everyone is caught in a haze and unable to express their true emotions or intentions. You may question whether your friends and loved ones are genuinely understanding you, which only adds to the stress and confusion of the situation.
Don’t rush anything but instead let situations unfold at their own rate. This foggy time of ambiguity will eventually clear.
See Also: The Moon
Tarot Meanings for “The Moon Reversed” by Charis
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