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The Tower Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The Tower is a card about change. Just as with The Devil and Death, The Tower is not quite as frightening or as ominous as its pictorial representation in most decks. It really comes down to the fact that trying to hold on too tightly to the status quo can be disastrous at this moment in time.
You can’t withstand what’s coming so don’t try to fight it. Instead, when the storm arrives be like the tree and bend in the wind. It’s better than breaking by refusing to do so.
It is likely that some people/situations that you have counted on as being there for you may no longer be there in quite the same way. This doesn’t have to be dire; change is the nature of life, and trying to prevent it is like trying to row upstream without a paddle.
If you have been building castles in the air this may be the time that some of them come crashing down to earth. That’s only a problem if you let it be. You will be able to replace them with some more realistic and reachable dreams and goals if some fantasies fall apart this month.
Dreaming is important, but it’s also important to be living in reality too. You will get through this time just fine; particularly if you remember that you have all the resources you need, already inside you, to deal with life and to do what you need to do.
This can be but is not necessarily an indicator of a relationship that is about to end. If you are in a relationship that you absolutely, positively, don’t want to see end, this is an important time for damage control and for clear communications.
Find out how your partner is feeling/doing. Don’t make assumptions for as the (paraphrase!) saying goes, “assumptions are the mother of all mistakes.” Don’t wait until it’s too late; find out for sure.
If you’re looking for love and draw The Tower, it’s time to consider getting far away from your usual type. This doesn’t mean you have to seek out the complete opposite, but it does mean you should broaden your search.
If you truly desire love, avoid leaving it to chance or fate. Take a moment to reflect on what you bring to the relationship. Understand your unique qualities and contributions, as you have much to offer. Be sure to recognize and appreciate them.
Money and Finances
This is not a time for risky investments, gambling, or counting on the lottery to make things work out for you. Even if you know the news will not be easy to stomach, find out exactly what you are dealing with financially.
It may not be as bad as you think. It is certain, however, that you aren’t making anything any better by avoiding the issues. Deal with any problems in a straightforward manner.
Work and Career
The energy of this time lends itself toward arguments so try to keep your temper under control and not take everything that others say to heart too much. Sudden reversals can happen now. This is not an indicator that you need to panic. It is, however, an indicator that forewarned is forearmed.
Even if you think that you have the most stable job or sources of income in the world, what would you do if it dried up tomorrow? Where might you go immediately for work if you needed to? Thinking things through now, when you are not in a crisis, may pay big dividends for you on down the road. If you hate your job, give serious thought to making a change. You deserve to be happy.
When you’re looking for a job and draw The Tower, it means that you need to be prepared to make some changes. Ask former colleagues to be brutally honest as to what you may be doing or saying that could be self-sabotaging. You may need to fight against wanting to give up and stop bothering to look. Working any job is definitely better than having no income. There’s dignity in all work so keep trying and definitely don’t be picky at this time.
Paying attention to what you are doing is critical now, so be careful. Your nerves may be frayed, do whatever you need to do to calm down and stay steady. Exercise can help with this. If you know what you’re doing and know about your allergies, and your doctor approves consider trying relaxing herbs. Be careful with drugs and alcohol now, if you use any.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
This is a moment to maintain a positive outlook as much as possible. New understandings and insights may arrive unexpectedly, transforming your perspective in an instant.
The Tower Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
The Tower is “No” but might lean towards “Maybe.”
The Tower Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The Tower is a card that symbolizes profound change and upheaval. It embodies a moment when the very foundations of your life may feel shaken or even shattered. While many people view The Tower with a sense of trepidation, alarmed by the scary imagery often depicted in tarot decks it is essential to understand that this card carries a deeper message that is not merely one of fear and chaos.
In fact, when examined closely, The Tower serves as a powerful reminder of the necessity for transformation in your life, urging you to relinquish your grip on the status quo.
See Also: The Tower Reversed
Tarot Meanings for “The Tower ” by Charis
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