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3 of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation
The 3 of Cups reversed like the upright version is still an upbeat card which often refers to building and enhancing one’s sense of community. When this card appears, this is not a time to go it alone, so if that is what you were intending to do you should have a rethink.
The reversed 3 is still a very positive card and is still about reunions. You can look forward to at least one pleasant reunion with someone or perhaps something that you have been away from for some time.
There is a profound sense of reassurance that comes from the support of friends and family. Make it a priority to maintain regular contact with your loved ones during this time.
If you are in a committed relationship and receive the 3 of Cups reversed, you may find that financial stresses are affecting your relationship so see what you can do between you to lessen the stress.
If you are single, you may very well meet a new romantic possibility through friends so make a point to get out and mingle. Not on your own though! Go out with a group of friends if you are looking for love because that is the most likely way to meet someone at this moment in time.
Money and Finances
As with the upright 3 of Cups, this is an important time to not be too attached to money. What you are worth has nothing to do with the size of your paycheck. Money will probably come in steadily, but it might be spent just as quickly, if not faster.
If you feel that you don’t have enough it is important not to allow yourself to give in to feelings of jealousy about other people’s finances. Just take care of your own.
Work and Career
With the 3 of Cups reversed, it is important to consider how your personal relationships are going at work as envy or jealousy can be an issue now. The mood in general in your working world should be relatively pleasant so if the green goblin is raising its ugly head see what you can do to make it go away.
If you are looking for work, you should be quite successful in the near future. Perhaps surprisingly so and you may be somewhat taken aback at how well things work out for you. So, in a nutshell, don’t give up!
The 3 of Cups reversed indicates that you can learn a lot and make some important strides in improving your health. So, make sure you take a look at what your friends and family members are doing to support and improve their health. Ask around and don’t be too proud to do so.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
The 3 of Cups reversed indicates that you can benefit from fellowship now in order to deepen your spirituality. Even if you consider your spiritual side to be intensely private and dislike talking with others about it, this is an excellent time to consider and learn from the experiences and attitudes of others. Reach out in whatever way you can and you will benefit from doing so.
3 of Cups Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
The 3 of Cups is a “Maybe” that leans towards “Yes.”
3 of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The 3 of Cups, even when reversed, retains a sense of optimism and positivity that echoes its upright counterpart. It symbolizes the importance of community, friendship, and collaboration which are often qualities that are overlooked in your quest for personal achievement.
When this card appears in a reading, it serves as a gentle nudge, urging you to reconsider the path of going it alone that you might be inclined to take.
See Also: 3 of Cups
Tarot Meanings for “3 of Cups Reversed” by Charis
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