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3 of Cups Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The 3 of Cups is often considered to be a card of reunions. However, this is not always a romantic reunion, alas. It’s reunions in the broadest sense, running back into or meeting with, purposefully someone or something that you have been away from for some time. Even though it’s not always a romantic reunion it is generally considered to be a happy reunion and is an upbeat card.
In general, things should be going well for you. You can look forward to at least one pleasant reunion with someone or something that you have been apart from for some time. It can also mean there will be a celebration which might be your own but could also be someone that you care about. Such as the celebration around a new baby, wedding, or other happy occasion, that sort of thing.
Although this card can mean a reunion with a lost love it does not always indicate that. You must look carefully at the rest of the reading and see this card in context to decide whether that interpretation fits.
If you are single, the most likely interpretation is that you will meet a likely love soon. It will most likely be someone who really fits the bill for the person you are looking for, and that this person will be a new love, not someone you used to be with.
If you are in a relationship, it is possible that it is not going as well as it could or even should be. What was it that brought you together in the first place? You need to revisit that and see if you can rekindle the magic.
Money and Finances
This is an important time not to be too attached to money. It will be flowing in just fine but may be going out just as fast or nearly as fast. It’s important to know that this is an abundant universe, that your needs financial and otherwise will be met, provided you play your part.
Work and Career
The 3 of Cups is a good omen with regard to work. Money should be coming in quite well for you in your current job and you could be in the running for a promotion.
If you are looking for work the 3 of Cups is a positive card and you should be successful in your search. Don’t give up even if you’ve been looking for what seems like forever. You will land a better job than you had hoped for.
This is a great time to consider what you are doing and perhaps should be doing to increase your health and vitality. Do you need more exercise? More rest?
Think it through and come up with a game plan. You can do better than what you are doing right now even if that is only slightly.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
It may be important now and particularly so if you usually attend to your spiritual side in solitude to reach out to others.
This can lead to a spiritual awakening so think about whether or not you have need of a spiritual teacher in the flesh and if you do, seek one out! This can be any sort of trusted counselor and not even necessarily someone who identifies as a spiritual leader.
3 of Cups Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
The 3 of Cups is a “Yes.”
3 of Cups Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The 3 of Cups is most often seen as a symbol of reunions and celebrations. This card is often adorned with imagery that typically features three women joyfully raising their cups in a toast and serves as a reminder that life is filled with moments of connection and shared joy.
However, it is essential to note that these reunions do not always manifest in a romantic context. Instead, the 3 of Cups indicates a more expansive view of connection and represents the multitude of ways in which our paths intertwine with others.
See Also: 3 of Cups Reversed
Tarot Meanings for “3 of Cups ” by Charis
Index | Major Arcana | Minor Arcana: Cups | Pentacles | Swords | Wands