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6 of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The 6 of Cups reversed like its upright counterpart is often a card about looking back on how things once were. This is sometimes connected with children or childhood, but the reversal suggests that you are rightly beginning to pay more attention to the future, rather than the past.
The reversed 6 reminds you that you must stay focused on the present and the future instead of getting or staying lost in the good old days. You must learn to live for today and not wallow in yesterday.
The reversed 6 of Cups says that you are soon likely to begin dealing with some issues that you’ve been avoiding with regards to love. If you are in a committed relationship, things that you had swept under the rug to keep harmony may resurface and need to be dealt with; sooner rather than later.
If single and longing for love, the time has come to look at yourself and what you are doing (or not doing) to bring that love into your life. Love rarely walks up your garden path and knocks on your door; you do have to make an effort.
Money and Finances
You have finally integrated the idea fully that in order for you to have a good flow of finances you must pay attention to money and your actions around it. If you need help with handling your finances well, don’t hesitate to ask for it. Get your money to working for you. Avoiding the issue only sets you back.
Work and Career
The honeymoon period may be over in your work life when you receive the reversed 6 of Cups. However, this does not have to be a bad thing, it’s simply that your rose-colored glasses are off now, and you are seeing your surroundings more clearly.
Think long and hard before deciding if you need to take some sort of action due to perceived wrongs in the workplace. Many battles are worth fighting, many are not. Trust yourself to know the difference.
If finding work is what you need and your job search hasn’t borne fruit, think back to the parts of your past where you felt confident and effective. Look for positions that may incorporate those situations, even if those situations weren’t things you were getting paid for at that time. Don’t tell yourself that such jobs don’t exist until you actually do the research.
When you draw the 6 of Cups reversed, you may have been turning a blind eye to things that you’ve needed to address for your health for some time now. You’ll find yourself ready, willing and able to address these challenges. You already know in your gut what you need to do, so it’s time to do it.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
This is a time to give thanks for the past but not to feel as though you must remain exactly who you were when you were younger. You have reached a point where it is important to look into other ways of exploring your spirituality, and where you can benefit from learning from the approaches that others take. Read, and listen, and you will benefit tremendously.
6 of Cups Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
“Maybe.” Perhaps leaning moderately toward “Yes.”
6 of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The 6 of Cups reversed, while it shares some similarities with its upright counterpart, offers a distinctly different perspective, one that encourages a shift in focus from nostalgia to future possibilities. In its upright position, the 6 of Cups often evokes warmth and sentimentality.
The reversed 6 of Cups indicates that while it is natural to reminisce in this way, clinging too tightly to those memories can hinder your growth and prevent you from fully taking part in the present or contemplating what lies ahead in the future.
Living in the past is a path to stagnation.
See Also: 6 of Cups
Tarot Meanings for “6 of Cups Reversed” by Charis
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