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6 of Cups Tarot Meaning and Interpretation
The Six of Cups frequently represents nostalgia, prompting reflections on the past and how things once were. While it can be associated with children or childhood, this connection is not always present.
It’s important not to spend too much time and effort thinking about the good old days. We all have happy memories to reflect on from time to time, but if you start thinking that the best years have gone by, then that can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If you’re currently in a romantic relationship, the 6 of Cups can indicate that your relationship may need to be refocused toward the future. Talk about your goals and dreams. Try new things. It’s important not to be stuck in the past.
If you are looking for love, then think at least briefly about reasonably good relationships from your past. Where/how did you meet back then? Consider revisiting that method if possible. But do think broadly. If you met in school when you were 16, consider contacting people from your school days or even that ex themselves, to see if there’s someone they’d suggest. This does not mean you should try to get an old ex back.
Even though this card can signify the re-appearance of an old lover in your life. Think long and hard before re-starting an old romance. Exes are usually exes for a reason. If you do rekindle an old relationship, you are likely to find yourself walking down the same sad path once again.
Money and Finances
If you’re looking for ways to invest money, or simply to make a little extra money, pay particular attention to things that are retro or nostalgic, or things that appeal to children.
Money may come to you from someone from your past or through inheritance. This, of course, does not mean that someone close to you is necessarily going to pass.
Work and Career
This is an excellent time for work that involves some level of creativity. If your work does not, make a point to spend a little time drawing, painting, or writing, scrapbooking – whatever you fancy that allows a little creativity – in your personal time. Your day job will go better for you as a result.
If you are trying to find work, think back on jobs that you had in the past, both broadly and specifically. For example, if you worked for company X who made blue widgets, you might consider any widget maker now. You may even want to contact employers from the past to see if they might take you on again. Be confident in your abilities as well as your ability to find employment.
If you’re experiencing health problems, the appearance of this card can mean that you need to go back to childhood to examine where the roots of your physical problems might lie. Or, in other words, the emotional is very often tied to the physical. You may want to make a point to talk to family members about the physical problems that they have faced, and make sure that you have a clear idea of your family’s medical history.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
Ritual of any kind can be helpful to you spiritually now. You may find beauty and meaning in re-creating some of the spiritual rituals that you knew as a child; this does not mean that you must go back to your earliest spiritual traditions and follow them exactly. Updating and re-inventing your old traditions will serve you very well at this time.
6 of Cups Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
“Yes,” perhaps leaning slightly back toward “Maybe.”
6 of Cups Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The Six of Cups is a card that often embodies the essence of nostalgia, asking you to take a reflective journey into your past. This card serves as a reminder of the memories and experiences that have shaped you over time and inviting you to revisit those moments when life might have felt simpler or more joyful.
It often evokes a sense of yearning for what once was, but it is important for you remain grounded in the present with an eye on your future. Living in the past is a mistake.
See Also: 6 of Cups Reversed
Tarot Meanings for “6 of Cups” by Charis
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