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7 of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

7 of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The 7 of Cups reversed is a also a card about choices. When the 7 is reversed, you are beginning to make those choices and to move toward action.


The reversed 7 of Cups says that you are making the choices that need to be made and are moving toward concrete and important action. Trust your instincts; you’ve probably already realized that you have to start somewhere. Do so, and you will thrive.


When it comes to love, this card in reverse says that you have finally gotten very clear about what you want and need from love and are ready to take steps to make it happen so follow your instincts. There is nothing wrong with making your feelings clear to someone that you care for. You may be very pleasantly surprised at their reaction.

It’s better to take action sometimes than to spend your life in dreaming about “What if?” Again, trust your instincts and if you think (and have evidence) that someone is not treating you right, then they aren’t.

If you are looking for love, you will benefit from being realistic and thoughtful. Ask for unbiased opinions from friends as to where they think you should be looking and whether there is anything they think you need to change or reconsider to help bring about the relationship you want. Working on your mindset is a must.  

Money and Finances

In general, the reversed 7 of Cups says that this is a time to be cautious with money, not to gamble. Yes, there are a million choices about what to do with your hard-earned cash, but the energy of this time says that prudence and safety should be your overriding principals. You have or will shortly be making some important financial decisions. Decide, then follow through.

Work and Career

When the reversed 7 of Cups appears in a work context, you may need to watch out for someone in your environment who tends to take unnecessary risks and who may be less than truthful. Believe in yourself, if you sense something is wrong, it probably is.

If you are looking for work, then this is a time when it’s crucial that you’re realistic. Just because it was easy for you to get a job ten years ago it doesn’t mean that that will still be the case. Also, you may not command the same level of salary now through no fault of your own. 

This does not mean you should devalue yourself and what you are worth. It means to do your homework and accept reality.


The 7 of Cups reversed says that you have begun to realize what you can do to better support your health; you should have at least one or two very clear ideas. Trust them, provided your health care providers agree and stop thinking; the time for action is now.

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


You may be in the process of recovering from some spiritual trial. This is a time to take the actions that you know in your heart and soul that you must take, whether that’s forgiving yourself, forgiving others, or meditation. The answers you seek are within you. Find them and take action.

7 of Cups Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

This is a solid “Maybe” slightly leaning toward “No.” 

7 of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion

The reversed 7 of Cups indicates a turning point in your life where clarity is finally emerging from a previously overwhelming sea of options. It suggests that, at last, you are actively engaging with the choices that need to be made and moving beyond the indecision that may have clouded your judgment for too long. You are beginning to see things more clearly and are taking steps toward meaningful action.

See Also: 7 of Cups

Tarot Meanings for “7 of Cups Reversed” by Charis

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