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Ace of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

Ace of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning

The Ace of Cups reversed is still a positive omen just like the upright but in general you may be feeling a bit stuck. That feeling will not last forever and it may help to know that with your time and attention, you can resolve most blockages.


Look at where you feel some blockages in life and consider how you might act to remove those blocks and get your energy flowing again. Try to understand what is causing those blockages so that you can do something positive and constructive about them. However, remember to think it all through thoroughly before taking action.


The Ace of Cups reversed is not a bad omen, but it can indicate that things aren’t quite where they need to be for your love life to really thrive. Look at yourself, first. Have you truly dealt with everything necessary to allow you to live life with an open heart? If you’re in a love relationship, it may not be one that is best for you. Think about what you really want and need in life and get help if you need it.

If you are looking for love, ask yourself whether you are looking for what is best for you or is it what others think is best? Do you want real love or just someone who ticks all the boxes that others think should be there. Don’t listen to others who pontificate about love. Listen to your heart.

Life and love are not about ticking boxes. Open yourself up to all the possibilities out there and love is likely to find you.

Money and Finances

You may have an emotional bond to or about your work which is not serving you well with regard to finances. Are you staying in an unhappy job situation because you have feelings for the people or persons involved? Take a moment to consider what you want and need. Change is not always bad, and a different job can provide better money.

Work and Career

Work should be going well, and your accomplishments are appreciated even if that’s not obvious. You should, however, consider the possibility of a move. The choice is yours of course, but you can do better.

If you are looking for new employment or trying to make a change, you should see some signs of progress in weeks to come, although not immediately. Hang in there.


The Ace of Cups reversed tells you that your health in general is probably pretty good and may be likely to take a turn for the better. Self-esteem and self-love can be an important predictor of health. Is yours where it needs to be?

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


The Ace of Cups reversed shows a need for you to be more proactive about loving yourself. If you don’t love and care for yourself, just as you are, today, how can you expect other humans to do so? Being kind to yourself is important. Meditate and consider your connections to the spiritual world. Make the time if you feel you’re too busy to do so.

Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

The Ace of Cups reversed is a “Yes.” Perhaps not as positive as its upright counterpart, but still a “Yes.”

The Tarot Meaning in Conclusion

The Ace of Cups reversed remains a positive omen, much like its upright counterpart, but there is a feeling of being somewhat stuck at the moment.

This feeling won’t last forever, even if it currently feels that way, so be reassured that taking your time and giving any problems your attention will overcome most blockages.

See Also: Ace of Cups

Tarot Meanings for the “Ace of Cups Reversed” by Charis

2 of Cups Reversed >>