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King of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning and Interpretation
The King of Cups reversed embodies a harmonious blend of masculine and feminine energies, possessing the positive attributes associated with both. His appearance may introduce an element of adventurous risk-taking into your life.
When you receive the reversed King of Cups, think deeply about what your most important dreams and desires are, and how you might go after them. This King should inspire you to take risks, but only when necessary.
In general, when the reversed King of Cups appears, the news is very good in the love realm. If you are looking for love, this card can point to a person coming into your life who is ready to let go of everything to pursue his or her dreams of love and happiness. It’s a very romantic card so be open.
If you are in a relationship this is a good time to talk about your feelings and to ask your partner about theirs. No matter what it looks like on the surface, there is real affection and care underneath. Whatever you do don’t act as though you don’t care.
Money and Finances
The reversed King can often point to you being prepared to risk everything, including financially, in order to pursue a dream. There is nothing wrong with this provided you have a solid plan and you’re willing to work to bring things about. However, if the dream is getting rich at the gambling tables, this is a big problem. Watch out for these tendencies and make sure that you protect yourself.
Work and Career
At times the reversed King of Cups can point to an upcoming emotional outburst from a man at work. This can be unsettling at first, but after some time, everyone involved should have learned something positive and important about the situation.
Don’t take this outburst personally, even if it is directed at you. But the issues/the outburst may need to be unpacked with him, later, to get to the bottom of things.
Those of you looking for work should also remember the old saying, “If you don’t ask, you don’t get.” Unlike the King’s upright counterpart this is a time for you to ask friends, family, old colleagues, old employers rather than companies directly.
Be cautious (and then some) when it comes to alternative healing for serious conditions, if you have a diagnosis of one. If not, this card does not mean that such a diagnosis is forthcoming. Doctors are there for a reason so trust them. Learn as much as you can about supporting health and treatment options.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
The reversed King of Cups can indicate a tendency to be cavalier when it comes to seeking spiritual awareness. It’s important to think for yourself, and explore for your own self, when he appears.
Don’t follow a flock, and above all, think deeply many, many times, before making major life changes to, for example, join an ascetic spiritual community in Tibet when you’ve never previously left the country. If that’s where your spirit calls you, that’s fine, but be cautious.
Take one step at a time. There is no need to hurry. You might repent hasty decisions made on the basis of a short-lived spiritual insight or because of a charismatic spiritual leader.
King of Cups Reversed Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
The King of Cups Reversed is a “Maybe” that leans quite strongly towards “Yes.”
King of Cups Reversed Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The King of Cups reversed reflects an interplay of both masculine and feminine energies, offering a rather unique perspective on emotional maturity and inner strength.
This card, when drawn in a reading, suggests a departure from traditional roles, and invites you to explore a balance between nurturing intuition and assertive leadership.
The reversed nature of this King emphasizes the potential for emotional instability or difficulty in expressing feelings, but at the same time it can indicate a desire for adventurous experiences. This doesn’t necessarily mean climbing Mount Everest but can mean he is nudging you gently or perhaps not so gently towards embracing a more adventurous attitude in your life.
See Also: King of Cups
Tarot Meanings for “King of Cups Reversed” by Charis
Index | Major Arcana | Minor Arcana: Cups | Pentacles | Swords | Wands