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An Introduction to Pentacles Meanings and Interpretations

The suit of Pentacles (often called Coins) at first glance clearly seems to be about money. Looking deeper, however, although money definitely is part of what the suit represents, in truth it is about prosperity, which goes far beyond money and one’s bank balance.
Pentacles are associated with the element of earth, and astrologically with the signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The season of year that Pentacles relates to is winter.
Issues that are signified by Pentacles cards are sometimes fairly mundane and related to the concepts of comfort, security, and stability. At times Pentacles can even indicate literal boredom!
More often, Pentacles cards particularly when there are several in a spread signify the good life, and having plenty to meet one’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Accordingly, Pentacles are often related to the concept of emotional, spiritual, and financial growth.
Again, as with other suits, the inner qualities of people represented by Pentacles are just as important, if not more so, than the physical traits. These inner qualities of the Pentacles type of people include: focus, ambition, a respect for family ties, and a tendency to be methodical, literal thinkers who often move sluggishly and make decisions slowly.
Pentacles can also have to do with what we are ourselves manifesting in our lives, consciously or unconsciously. Don’t make the mistake of thinking of Pentacles as being only about money. Their true indications go far deeper.
Pentacles cards help us to consider our status in life and ambitions in that direction, yet they also depict spiritual concepts such as the interdependence of life and the ability to seek and give comfort from each other.
- Ace of Pentacles | Ace of Pentacles Reversed
- 2 of Pentacles | 2 of Pentacles Reversed
- 3 of Pentacles | 3 of Pentacles Reversed
- 4 of Pentacles | 4 of Pentacles Reversed
- 5 of Pentacles | 5 of Pentacles Reversed
- 6 of Pentacles | 6 of Pentacles Reversed
- 7 of Pentacles | 7 of Pentacles Reversed
- 8 of Pentacles | 8 of Pentacles Reversed
- 9 of Pentacles | 9 of Pentacles Reversed
- 10 of Pentacles | 10 of Pentacles Reversed
- Page of Pentacles | Page of Pentacles Reversed
- Knight of Pentacles | Knight of Pentacles Reversed
- Queen of Pentacles | Queen of Pentacles Reversed
- King of Pentacles | King of Pentacles Reversed
Index | Major Arcana | Minor Arcana: Cups | Pentacles | Swords | Wands