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4 of Pentacles Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The 4 of Pentacles is usually a card about holding on to things: people, money, or situations longer than is healthy or realistic. When this card appears in a reading, it’s a sure sign that you must look carefully at what you are clinging to, and whether others are clinging to you in an unhealthy way.
Basically, you need to relax a little and try to stop worrying about things you can’t control. It’s easy to become obsessive about almost anything, including people but you need to stop yourself doing so.
In general, the 4 of Pentacles can point to anxiety/fear about money and/or a clinging to whatever it is that usually makes you feel secure. The key here is to try to realize that being anxious and grasping does NOT bring security. If any card in the tarot relates to the old saying about “If you love something set it free,” this is the one.
The 4 of Pentacles is a card about fear, basically, when it comes to love. Either you are holding on far too tight to a situation or lover, or someone is attempting to do that to you. This clinging is not healthy. True love allows for space between the lovers, and no matter what, one can never really control another person.
If you are single and think that you are ready for a relationship, you have to realize that you will undoubtedly have to step outside your comfort zone to make it happen. True love will not just drop out of the sky.
Money and Finances
You have some understandable anxiety about money and are trying to hold on to every penny. There is a fine line between fear-based grasping and being thoughtful and deliberate about where your money goes.
You can break this grip of fear by reminding yourself that no matter what your circumstances, there is someone who is less fortunate than you are. Try giving a little, with an open heart, even if it’s only 25 cents. Often this can open up the flow of prosperity and bring even more financial security back to you. We are all in this life together which is a tenet that not enough people understand.
Work and Career
With regard to work questions, the 4 of Pentacles says that you may be doing something you don’t like just because it’s putting food on the table. Jobs and situations such as this have their place, but to better your situation, you must elevate your spiritual understanding and belief in yourself. What would it take to be in a situation work wise that fulfills you? What steps would have to be made to get yourself there? Believe that such a thing is possible, then start making it happen.
If you are looking for a job, then it is important to understand that even if you feel that you have put in enough applications and that you can now sit back and wait for the offers that it just isn’t the way things work. You will need to keep applying as many times as you can until something concrete and rewarding comes your way.
It is crucial that you do not give in to your fear of not finding a job. That leads to inertia and that is not going to fly. You have to overcome your worries and have faith that you will indeed find work.
The 4 of Pentacles can indicate that you may need to let go of old wrongs and wounds in order to move forward. It can also mean that others are trying to hold on to you in ways that are not good for you or them. Help your loved ones to see the truth, which is that not everything is in our conscious control. Meditation, particularly around issues of freedom and relaxation, is useful now.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
This is a time that you must look deeply within yourself for the places where you are fearful and/or trying to hold onto things. Non-attachment is also freedom. Learn about the energy centers in the body and meditate on how yours are functioning. Be open to change, as change is the only constant in life. You don’t have to attend a retreat to start doing so but simply start where you are.
4 of Pentacles Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
The 4 of Pentacles is a very solid “Maybe.”
4 of Pentacles Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The 4 of Pentacles is a card that frequently conveys themes of possession and control. It often symbolizes a tendency to hold on tightly to material wealth, relationships, or situations long past the point of what is healthy or productive.
In the tarot, this card acts as a gentle yet firm reminder to examine the various aspects of your life where you may be hanging on too tightly and to consider instead the consequences of this behavior and what you can do about it.
See Also: 4 of Pentacles Reversed
Tarot Meanings for “4 of Pentacles” by Charis
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