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King of Pentacles Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The King of Pentacles speaks of authority, tradition, and success in money matters. When he appears in a reading, it’s a sign that now is not a time to be a maverick, now is a time to follow the established way of doing things.
When the King of Pentacles is interpreted as a specific individual in your life, he typically symbolizes a man who emanates a vibe of reliability and confidence that encourages you to engage in practical thinking. His demeanor is often marked by a sense of gravitas; he is the type of person who others naturally look up to for guidance and reassurance during uncertain times.
In general, the King of Pentacles urges you to be a good steward: of your life, of your energies, and the concrete resources that are available to you. If he refers to a man in your life, know that this is a man who you can believe in and trust absolutely.
This King is an excellent omen with regard to love. Someone may come along and absolutely sweep you right off of your feet. Yes, try to put your best foot forward, but don’t pretend to be someone that you are not. This person will love you for exactly who you are. Be honest and everything should fall into place.
If you’re currently involved with someone, the relationship may very well move into a more comfortable place, metaphorically speaking, but if you are dissatisfied, you’ll need to say so for things to change. Don’t expect your beloved to read your mind.
Money and Finances
The King of Pentacles is an excellent card to receive with regard to financial questions. Your finances are very likely to be on the upswing, largely due to your own efforts and/or wise investments. This is not a time to speculate wildly, however. Take calculated risks, perhaps, but don’t get carried away. Share your wealth when and where you feel moved to do so. Remember that money is just money; you can’t take it with you.
Work and Career
An older, established man plays a major role in your working environment even if on the surface, it seems that you work with all women. This man is wise, fair, but somewhat quick to pass judgment. This man may become a staunch supporter of yours even if you’ve not met him thus far. Be prepared for scrutiny at all times – you’ll be glad that you were.
When this card appears in the context of job searching, it typically signifies a positive development. Currently, male figures are likely calling the shots in your professional sphere, so feel free to reach out to any men you have previously connected with in a work-related capacity.
Your health status can be improved if you make a point to face and to vent negative feelings; however, you must of course be thoughtful about how, where, and when you do so. Tradition and ritual can be comforting to you now. What comforts the soul, would also comfort your body. What healthy rituals do you have? If the answer is none, experiment until you find one that you enjoy. Your health will benefit.
Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.
You may not know what you need to feel more spiritually fulfilled, perhaps because your focus for many years has mainly been on your financial security. Give it some thought. If you simply have no background whatsoever in spiritual traditions, the Internet or your local library will offer many thought-provoking resources. Take the time to feed your spirit. Believe it or not, your financial life will benefit as a result.
King of Pentacles Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions
The King of Pentacles is a “Yes” leaning towards “Maybe.”
King of Pentacles Tarot Meaning in Conclusion
The King of Pentacles is a powerful symbol in the tarot particularly in matters relating to finance and material wealth. When he makes an appearance in a reading, he serves as a significant indicator that your current circumstances are calling for a more conservative, reliable approach rather than an adventurous or unconventional one.
This is a time to use established methods and tested strategies rather than to forge a new, uncharted path. The King of Pentacles encourages you to honor the tried-and-true practices that have brought prosperity and stability in the past, reminding you that sometimes success lies in caution rather than adventure.
See Also: King of Pentacles Reversed
Tarot Meanings for “King of Pentacles” by Charis
Index | Major Arcana | Minor Arcana: Cups | Pentacles | Swords | Wands