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Knight of Pentacles Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

Knight of Pentacles Tarot Meaning and Interpretation

The Knight of Pentacles points to messages, often with regard to money and finance. You are likely to finally receive news that you’ve been waiting on, and this news is likely to be good. This Knight is a very practical card. The news in question is unlikely to be that you’ve won the lottery.


The Knight tells you to pay attention to the mundane and normal parts of your life. A wise man once said, “Take care of the little things, and the big things will all fall into place.” The Knight of Pentacles asks you to look at how you are handling your affairs and is a grounding influence.


With regard to love, this card points to the responsibility and duty that is part of any love relationship. Love is not all wine and roses; true love is a willingness to work together to get through any rough spots and to work on the relationship. How well are you meeting your responsibilities?

If you are looking for love when you draw this card, it’s a clear signal that you need to vary your routine and try new things if you want to meet someone. Your usual haunts leave something to be desired so move out of your comfort zone and either try something new or go somewhere new.

Money and Finances

When the Knight of Pentacles appears with regard to finances, it tells you that money will be coming in very soon, and that it could come from anywhere – a raise, a lottery win, an inheritance – quite literally anything. Regardless, keep your nose to the grindstone and don’t bet, speculate, or lend more than you can afford to lose.

Work and Career

Now is not the time to suggest an overthrow of the traditional ways of doing things. You must work within existing systems and accomplish what people expect you to accomplish. Keep your head down and do your job and all should be well.

If you are looking for work this can be a good omen that the position you need is forthcoming, but warns that in interviews, etc., that you will need to come across as dependable and even-keeled, as they are unlikely to be looking for mavericks now.


Relating to health questions, the Knight suggests that your biggest pay off health wise lives mainly in the mundane. Start with the basics: are you getting enough sleep, exercise, and eating healthy foods? You don’t have to undergo some full scale, uncomfortable, and difficult regime to feel better. Small, positive steps are most likely the kind of change that you can live with and make permanent.

Please note: The health section is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a medical diagnosis – always consult your doctor.


You may find yourself spiritually overwhelmed at this moment in time and quite possibly for no obvious reason. Try to break down these feelings into manageable chunks, there is no need for you to tackle your whole life at one sitting. You are in the midst of spiritual change when this happens. See that you change for the better.

Knight of Pentacles Single Card Meaning Yes/No/Maybe Questions

The Knight of Pentacles is a solid “Maybe.”

Knight of Pentacles Tarot Meaning in Conclusion

The Knight of Pentacles is a card that consistently points to practical matters, particularly those pertaining to messages about money and finance. When this card appears, you might find yourself waiting for news regarding almost any financial aspect of your life such as a loan approval, a promotion at work, or even the outcome of your investments.

The energy surrounding the Knight of Pentacles is one of steadfast reliability and practicality. It suggests that the news you are likely to receive is not only timely but favorable and is likely to bring with it a sense of relief and hope.

See Also: Knight of Pentacles Reversed

Tarot Meanings for “Knight of Pentacles” by Charis

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