Interpreting The I Ching - Hexagram 4 Meng

Name: Meng.
Keyphrase: Youthful Folly.
Formed By The Trigrams: Mountain over Water.
General: Patience and kindness are the keys to learning and teaching.
Love: Let go of any childhood traumas you have about relationships.
Business: Being thoughtful will help strengthen new business ideas or procedures.
Personal: Remember the pleasure of childhood and youth and imitate it. You may need to release any bad habits from that time.
Overview: Meng builds on the theme of inexperience seen in hexagram 3 (Chun). It suggests that youth (like the flowing stream) has a long way to go before it becomes a mighty river. Meng is about teaching, learning and knowledge. Ignorance should not be punished, rather it should be replaced with knowledge. When the learning is fun the student will learn more. It is a reminder that a teacher should also be a mentor, setting the scene for the way the student will behave in adulthood.