Interpreting The I Ching - Hexagram 14 Ta Yu

Name: Ta Yu.
Keyphrase: Abundance.
Formed By The Trigrams: Fire over Heaven.
General: Those who understand the responsibility that comes with wealth are the ones best fitted to maintain it.
Love: Enjoy the current harmonious period but do not allow yourself to become complacent.
Business: Opportunities for business success will be there if you look for them. Do not allow yourself to become greedy though.
Personal: Take the time to enjoy mental clarity but make sure to watch for any feelings of pride or arrogance and eliminate them if necessary.
Overview: Ta Yu relates to a time of abundance when all is going well. Although an auspicious time it carries a warning not to allow yourself to become arrogant or greedy. All obstacles in all aspects of life will have disappeared and life should be enjoyed. Do not make the mistake of becoming complacent and believing this period will last forever. It won't. Nothing does. Examine the harmonious circumstances that gave rise to your current success and do your best to preserve them. This way you will be able to maintain success as long as possible. Generosity and humility are essentials to this process.