Interpreting The I Ching - Hexagram 17 Sui

Name: Sui.
Keyphrase: Following.
Formed By The Trigrams: Lake over Thunder.
General: Balancing the heart and mind of leadership will help assure steady progress.
Love: Show your partner what you require by example rather than words. be gentle with them.
Business: Hard work needs to be balanced by rest.
Personal: Plan for gradual progress and make sure that hard work is balanced by rest.
Overview: Sui indicates that you should lead by example rather than just telling everyone what to do. It indicates a time where gradual progress should be the plan and that work should be balanced with periods of rest. Effective leadership is about serving, not about power and ego. A leader has obligations to all those that work for him and this should not be overlooked. Learn the needs of those that follow you and if some of these needs need correcting then do so by gentle persuasion not by harsh words.