Interpreting The I Ching - Hexagram 22 Pi

Name: Pi.
Keyphrase: Grace.
Formed By The Trigrams: Mountain over Fire.
General: Valuing beauty will enable you to cultivate your taste for harmony in all aspects of your life.
Love: Beauty is only skin deep - do not be taken in by superficial appearances. Look beneath the surface to see a person's true character.
Business: If a business proposition looks too good to be true then it probably is. Make sure it's exactly what it appears to be.
Personal: Enhance your inner beauty.
Overview: Pi is about observing natural grace and allowing that observation to inspire you to emulate it in life. Pi also is a warning not to be taken in by superficial beauty or appearance. Instead, make sure that what lies underneath the surface is more enduring. To neglect to do so may well lead to errors of judgment. Remember, the more enduring beauty is seen with the heart. Not with the eye.