Interpreting The I Ching - Hexagram 33 Tun

Name: Tun.
Keyphrase: Retreat.
Formed By The Trigrams: Heaven over Mountain.
General: It is not an admission of defeat to retreat from an unequal fight.
Love: Take the time to strengthen your position when considering engaging in a fight with your partner.
Business: Rethink your position and strategy before reentering negotiations. Do not compromise just because it is quicker to do so.
Personal: Don't ignore issues but formulate an effective strategy before attempting to deal with it. Avoid destructive confrontations.
Overview: Tun is all about retreating from destructive confrontations and it tells you that to do so is not an admission of defeat - just that it is the wisest thing to do in the circumstances. It is not however, telling you to forget or ignore the situation. Instead it advises you to formulate an effective strategy before reentering the "conflict" and dealing with it. Tun signals it is time for a temporary retreat not that it is time to run away and hide.