Interpreting The I Ching - Hexagram 52 Ken

Name: Ken.
Keyphrase: Keeping still.
Formed By The Trigrams: Mountain over Mountain.
General: Any and all effective action must be born out of stillness.
Love: In order to see things clearly you must let go of any preconceptions.
Business: Clear your mind before making any important business decisions.
Personal: Learn how to meditate to help achieve a still mind.
Overview: Ken reminds you that if your mind is full of clutter it will not be able to hold new thoughts and ideas. Ken appears when you have a need to take a break and withdraw from the world for a moment in order to clear out the old in your mind to make way for the new. Meditation is the key to this process. It is not simply a time for rest. It is not an easy task to free your mind from daily worries, but it is necessary to do so, so that you can see and think more objectively than before. Old thoughts hinder your actions, compelling you to make the same mistakes. Clear them out - don't let them trap you.