Interpreting The I Ching - Hexagram 56 Lu

Name: Lu.
Keyphrase: The wanderer.
Formed By The Trigrams: Fire over Mountain.
General: You will travel best when your journey is a quest rather than a holiday or an escape.
Love: Travel will help provide something that is lacking in your relationship provided the journey is not being used as a means of escape.
Business: Travel is necessary to help provide something that is lacking in your business. It is a time tact and diplomacy.
Personal: Travel can be used as a means of gaining knowledge in an area that is lacking.
Overview: Lu represents a time in your life when you feel the need to travel. There is a feeling that something is missing and now is a good time for you to undertake a quest to find out what. Lu is also a reminder that when moving into unfamiliar territory it is wise to tactful and courteous. Just because you do things differently to others doesn't mean you are right and they are wrong. Be aware of differences in customs and behavior and act accordingly. Lu should not be seen as a time to take a trip to escape from difficulties but as a time to gain knowledge.