Interpreting The I Ching - Hexagram 62 Hsaio Kuo

Name: Hsaio Kuo.
Keyphrase: The preponderance of the small.
Formed By The Trigrams: Thunder over Mountain.
General: An accumulation of small victories is the best way to achieve greatness at this time.
Love: Strengthen the love in your relationship by attending to the small details.
Business: The smaller details of a project need to be focused on to achieve great success.
Personal: Personal success can be achieved by focusing on the more mundane aspects of life.
Overview: Hsaio Kuo appears when there is a need for you to temporarily from trying to attain a great success in one fell swoop. Instead, you need to concentrate on lots of small successes to achieve the overall great success. Hsaio Kuo is all about strength gained from the smaller aspects of life. Although it is not an auspicious time for very ambitious projects that does not mean that progress cannot be made. Progress is more than possible, but only by taking one small step at a time.