Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - 8 Of Cups Reversed

General: When the 8 of Cups reversed appears, it's important to keep reminding yourself that good times lie ahead for you. If your "gut" is telling you that you really need to get out of a relationship, job, or living arrangement, trust yourself..but think long and hard, first. Look before you leap and weigh all the pros and cons, if at all possible.
Work: You may be feeling a powerful urge to get out of your current work situation when you draw the reversed 8 of Cups. There is a reason why you are feeling this way; don't disregard your feelings, but at the same time you don't have to move, immediately, either. "out of frying pan, into fire," is a real danger now. Talk it over with someone you trust before making plans to go.
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Love: You may be feeling as though you want to end your long-term relationship if you are in one. Pulling the reversed 8 of Cups warns that you will be best off to give this some more time and thought. Sometimes when we are challenged in relationships, the difficult parts are the parts that we need to stay with. Yes, you might ultimately end up leaving. But do so when you are very, very sure, and calm, and clear-headed, and not before. If you are looking for love, this is a time to get engaged with the world in whatever way you can. Do not stay home and feel lonely. Go make someone feel better, and your loneliness will dissolve in a flash.
Finances: You may be thinking that you can't take one more day in your current situation, but the truth is that you can, and you don't want to "go off half-cocked." Take a slow, methodical look at your financial situation, consider the actions that you must take, and then take them. Get advice. This process will take more than one day.
Health: With the reversed 8, stress can be feeling as though it is overwhelming you. Know that you can handle it. Take a while to center yourself and to really examine how your attitudes may be affecting your health and well-being. You are not trapped. You do have control over your thoughts. Empowering yourself can make great strides to improving your health. You can do it.
Spirituality: You need to engage more with the outside world when the 8 of Cups appears reversed. If this is hard for you, find a trusted friend, or a group where you feel at least marginally comfortable, and get out and talk to people. Many good things will flow from this simple action, including finding yourself more in touch with the divine, both within you, and that which is in the world. Don't isolate yourself.