Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - Page Of Cups Reversed

General: In general, this card in reverse shows a need to play, to dream, to have a little fun. At the same time, you have to know where the boundaries lie. Eventually we all have to pay the piper in some way. Be aware that actions have consequences.
Work: When the Page of Cups appears in reverse, it shows that you are basically appreciated in your work. However, you need to be careful not to "thumb your nose" too often or too vigorously at the powers that be - even if you work for yourself. If you aren't sure what's happening, or why you keep getting into problems, ask for advice from a trusted, experienced friend or family member.
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Love: The reversed Page of Cups carries a warning when it comes to love relationships. When it appears, you may have your heart far too "set" on someone who is quite literally unavailable. Pay attention to the signals you are given. Sometimes it's best to set a deadline for how long you will allow yourself to stay focused on any one individual - if they are not simultaneously moving toward you. We all have more than one soul mate and many chances for happiness. Don't think everything hinges on one person.
Finances: When you pull the reversed Page, this is a time to be exceedingly careful with purchases. You may be shopping in an attempt to somehow fill a deeper need. Think 3 times before plunking down that credit card. Do research on big ticket items before buying. It's a twist on the old saying: "Purchase in haste, and repent at leisure..."
Health: The reversed Page of Cups may show that you are somewhat pre-disposed to getting on the latest bandwagon in hopes of improving your health. Yes, natural cures can and do work, but you must make considered decisions, and ideally you should always have agreement and permission from your medical doctor. Don't plunk down a bunch of money for "miracle cures." They are almost always scams.
Spirituality: You may be particularly susceptible to confusing fantasy with reality now, and this extends to spiritual practice. Be thoughtful about the things you are experiencing, and you may also benefit from discussion with like-minded spiritual seekers also. If you need help, or find yourself confused, reach out. We are all in this journey together.