The Empress Tarot Meanings
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The Empress is an archetype of feminine power; she is watery, hard to fathom, mysterious, fertile, and sexual. She augurs a need for us to be in touch with our feminine side, to listen to our intuition, and to give priority to our emotions and passions.
The Empress does not play by the rules. She has her own way of doing things and her own idea of what is right and what is wrong in any and all endeavors. That doesn't mean she will always get her way, but she is a reminder not to ignore your creative and intuitive side.
She can signify coming abundance but don't make the mistake of thinking that that will always mean financially. There are many types of wealth and richness in life and money is only one of them. The Empress can encompass any or all of them.
People are going to be more attracted to you than usual (in every sense) and you are likely to find people on your doorstep, wanting your advice/your shoulder to cry on.
This will be beneficial to you because you are now going to be able to see yourself more in the way that others see you; as someone with wisdom and a lot to offer.
So share your hard-won perspectives on life with others and know that your wisdom and caring is valuable. That doesn't mean you should run yourself into the ground doing so. If boundaries need to be drawn (for either physical or emotional reasons) then draw them.
Things should be going very well for you at work right now, but if they're not then this card indicates that things will get better. Things may not be perfect when they do but they will be significantly better.
People will be inspired by your ideas, your passions, and your way of doing things. Let your inner voice guide you in how you operate. The empress directs us to follow our bliss, and that the rest will follow.
In this analytical day and age where everything seems to be quantified down to the nth degree most companies reward left-brain thinking and ignore the creative right-brain side of things. As with most endeavors there should be balance and that is also what the Empress is all about. Without creativity so much becomes merely mundane.
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This is a very potent time for love and you may find that men and women alike are suddenly finding you far more attractive (both in terms of friendship and romance) and you will want to be careful with how you use this power. Don't underestimate its potency.
If you are single and are looking then this is a time when love, true love that is, could very well come your way. In fact if you are single and NOT looking then true love may seek you out anyway.
Committed relationships often become sweeter, deeper, and truer under the influence of the Empress. There will be, however, a tendency to get a little carried away with the emotional side of things. The Empress loves the emotional side of life - it's where she's coming from - but there needs to be some balance. Don't let yourself get too carried away!
This card shows an excellent time to make investments so follow your instincts about them. Money should be flowing well and even though you may not be rich you will certainly be comfortable.
Be sure to keep the flow going by putting back out a little of what you have, to a person or cause that is important to you. For want of a better phrase this is a time of financial karma. Share your abundance and don't keep it all to yourself.
If you're trying to get pregnant then this is an excellent sign that this may be forthcoming. If you're not ready to be a parent and pregnancy is a possibility for you then this is a time when you want to be triply careful.
If you're having health issues of any kind, ponder them from a different point of view; what is your body trying to tell you? Consider adding some sort of naturopathic or homeopathic approach to your health regime.
Your intuition may well be trying to send you a message during this time. It will be important to listen closely to it now and if that requires that you take time alone then do so. All those who normally call on your time and energy will have to wait for a little while. Making time alone needs to be a priority.
Heed any messages or warnings that seem to come to you now through your inner voice. Don't panic though! It doesn't mean that something bad will definitely happen, but simply that it will be something you should act upon. That could be to your benefit rather than detriment just as easily.
See Notes & Thoughts on This Card by: Charis | Talsiman