Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - 2 Of Wands Reversed

General: In general the reversed 2 of Wands reminds us to put emotion in perspective. Sometimes what you feel is not the total reality of the situation. Still, sometimes you have to make a change and try new things in order to enjoy life. Weigh the balance carefully if you are considering taking a risk and/or making big changes in your life.
Work: You can expect things to go well in your working world; you may be pleasantly surprised by new business or new procedures at work - or even by a new job offer. The time may have come, on the other hand, to leave a working situation which has been good for you in the past. Don't burn your bridges, if you do decide to leave.
Love: When the reversed 2 of Wands appears in a love question, you can expect that a relationship will either deepen and become even more committed, or if you're looking for love, that a new relationship is very likely to begin soon. Someone could quite literally sweep you off your feet or surprise you in a stunning, uplifting way. Enjoy the magic. If you're lonely and can't imagine how there could be love on your horizon; make sure that you are putting yourself where you can be found. Love is unlikely to come knocking while you're sitting home in the dark reading a book or watching television. Reach out.
Finances: You may have a positive surprise headed your way with regard to money when the reversed 2 of Wands appears. Don't bet the farm, but this could be a small lottery or gambling win. More likely, the increase will come from money you have earned (a surprise pay rise at work) or the discovery that something you own is worth much more than you thought. Enjoy.
Health: When the reversed 2 of Wands appears in the context of a health question, know that no one in the world holds all the answers as to what will happen with your health. If you are in need of healing, start by imagining that healing is possible and read up on positive health outcomes that doctors call "idiopathic," - other people call those surprise positive outcomes "miracles." Miracles happen. If you are healthy, this is not the time to take stupid risks. Know your physical limitations.
Spirituality: The reversed 2 of Wands can indicate that a "spiritual leader" may attempt to dominate you personally. This is a time to think for yourself, and not accept what others say just because they say it. No human spiritual leader is perfect, of course, but the good ones don't present themselves as perfect or use strong-arm tactics to control others. Trust your own impressions.