Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - Page Of Wands Reversed

General: Occasionally the reversed Page of Wands can depict unwelcome news that may be coming soon. This is not usually anything horrendous or dire, just something that you would rather not have happened. More often it indicates a need for focus and decisiveness.
Work: In terms of work, the Page of Wands reversed can show a woman (likely to have hair on the lighter end of the spectrum) who may be causing complications at work because of her indecisiveness. It's possible that you are standing in your own way through your own difficulty with making a decision. If you are looking for work, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Hiring decisions may also be delayed a little longer.
Love: When the reversed Page of Wands appears in a love context, the focus may be on getting to know each other better, trading stories, etc, rather than on an immediate, serious commitment. You are well advised not to push if you are currently seeing someone but are not yet committed - the time may not yet be right. If you are looking for love, someone may warn you away from a new interest; make up your own mind. Gossip and "warnings" aren't always true - but usually shouldn't be completely ignored, either.
Finances: As with the upright meaning of this card, money is very likely to be headed for an upswing when the Page of Wands appears. Someone with financial expertise could come into your life and give you excellent advice. You could also get excellent financial news that you weren't expecting. When the abundance comes, consider what you can do to share a little of it, if only to keep the "wheel of prosperity" turning.
Health: In terms of health the reversed Page points to people nearby who are ready, willing, and able, to be helpful to you in terms of your health. This can be professionals, or simply an inspirational exercise buddy or friend. Don't try to do everything on your own. This card shows you'll get farther being open to the understandings, good influences, and expertise of others.
Spirituality: The Page definitely points to a need to honor and listen to your own intuition. Creativity may go far to enrich your spiritual experiences now. Someone that you already know may have some important spiritual insights to share. Even if you're usually very private about such things, consider talking to a friend or two about their spiritual "take" or experiences. This can be unbelievably inspirational.