Tarot Spreads - Is Love Looking For You?

About: This is a seven card Tarot spread that looks at whether love is looking for the querent.
- Is love looking for you?
- Is it someone from your past, or your present, or your future?
- Depending on the answer to #2.
- If the past: When did you know them?
- If the present: When did you last see them?
- If the future: When will you meet?
- Depending on the answer to #2.
- If the past or present: Where do you know them from?
- If the future: Where or how are you most likely to meet?
- What do you need to do to be as ready as possible?
- What can you do to help your paths cross or cross again?
- What can you do to maximize the potential between you?
Notes: -
Origin: Psychic Revelation ©
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